ShtbitApr 6 1:45 AM
this is the least enjoyable fifa' I've ever played.. I do not even enjoy scoring on this game.. there's no pressure build up where I think yea.. that was class.. that was well deserved.. its more an acknowledgement that the fifa bullshit allowed me to score.., its just so f'in blatenlty obvious the contrived momentum shifts in gameplay, I litterlally sit there dumbfounded most of the time as to what this utter fucking cesspit of a game" has become.. its a putrid ville abbomitaion of "the beautiful game" i feel sorry for you if you somehow see hope in this utter pile of shit...
Squeezy3zApr 6 3:17 AM
so unrewarding when u actually cook an opponent u dont score but some jammy shit bs goal will go in and then literally just a back n forth sim of who can score the most shit ratty goals especially in the higher divisions