Becklass7Apr 17 11:09 PM
Pep has no creativity for his team other than teach them how to hold the ball, when you face such a boring ass team you have to be a fucking god of a defence, mourinho did it against him in madrid too, it's just the only solution you can have when someone is abusing one side of the game than other (holding possession) then you have to beat it in their own game, any other strategy is handing them a free win -_- hala madrid, go back to beating weak asss teams in PL this is freaking CHAMPIONS LEAGUE smh
Bluemoon231Apr 18 12:17 PM
if haaland wasnt such a tree nowadays be different city need new striker that actually plays football and ye would of been different
Becklass7Apr 18 12:45 PM
Leave if but and maybes fam, if your strategy is possession and you can't penetrate for shit against low block defense then it's just masturbation lol hold on to the ball and wank off lmao it's the problem of strategy not one player issue. Pep ruined football with that hold position idea, no back and forth momentum in games against him -_-