RizzoooApr 19 11:22 PM
Seen he got an SBC and was buzzing, but then saw the price and wow. I'll stick with Akanji evo and 94 Vidic for now. I've no doubt Ferdinand is a lot better than these defenders, but not 2.4 mil worth of fodder better. Just can't justify it tbh
arizona14Apr 19 11:24 PM
Second best CB behind of Toty VVD. He's absolutely worth it.
micheeal00Apr 19 11:38 PM
Rio is a bit of a fraud, he's good don't get me wrong but I had 400 games on him and I benched him for Golazo desailly (with evo) rank 2 and Elite (900) before you say skill issue
GeordieJoeApr 20 12:22 AM
Elite (1109) skill rating here and rank 1 every weekend! TOTY Rio is miles ahead of Evo Desailly. 94 Vidic is ahead of Evo Desailly as well! TOTY Rio is worth doing 100% he just has that Aura