Kinq1337Mar 27 10:13 PM
somehow shes ghosting for me in 4321 as rcf next to r9 base:R9: and haaland toty. i would rather use salah hm there and her maybe as rcm ? the Problem is one got 0 chem cause i cant put 2 rm and 2 st as formation. its So fuxxcked up that they dont let us just do custom formations as we change them 95% directly at the start. all player packed in free packs btw so dont hate me lol
Damono63Mar 28 8:48 AM
To be fair you're playing her at RCF (come back on defence), of course you're not gonna see much of her cause she's playing mostly like a RM in defence and overlapping your RB in attack? Treat that role like a support role instead, not "ghosting" and you'll realise how important she is in creating attacks.
Kinq1337Apr 21 3:39 AM
thanks that make sense. aged well.