FemsapienApr 30 2:44 PM
Guys, just remember. See this game as a game and nothing more. Micro Transactions has made ALL our favorite games into casino looting games. All we get now is half ass products that isnt even 100% finished cause money always wins unfortunately. Dont get mad if someone griddys, wastes time, or packs being in the game. Dont submit, smile and realize its a game. For those in teens or young adults, im sorry, because gaming was so much more fun and pure 8 years ago, from here on forward every game assumes we all want to go "PRO." For those making a living off this game, i feel so bad, the stress, venting and rants they must do every week, and mental health on top of it. Sheeesh. I guess i can say im lucky to be out of the matrix. God Bless you all, Stay present, enjoy the little things around you. Our community has sadly also turned toxic to each other, its sad and not a good image.