jackparratt94May 1 7:39 PM
Coming from someone in elite div, this card is awful. His defensive AI is so bad, shots go through him when he blocks, easy auto interceptions go under his foot. Did him to replace gold Van Dijk and even in this stage of the game Van Dijk clears
CL9268May 1 7:55 PM
Same here, elite div, thought i'd do the SBC because people were saying how good he is and I regret it instantly. He's great in the air and really strong but that's about it, Gabriel and Renard both feel a lot better
jackparratt94May 1 8:44 PM
100% mate, I regretted it straight away. Hoping to pull Van Dijk or Saliba TOTS now haha
SlumppTVMay 1 8:50 PM
half way through konate for french links and i just pulled saliba , ggs