KarakollMay 11 4:09 AM
Please read this. I was an easy 14 wins player in fifa 22 and 23. In this one, I cant reach 14 wins not even one time. This one I made fucking 9. I was negative and facing full rats with multi-millionaire teams with exceptional keeper moving, r1 dribbling abusers, ultimate player locks and the cherry on top of the game: I can't win a single rebound for the whole 20 games. I was conceding ridiculous goals that not even the human brain can imagine. I faced a toty best with ENGINE i believe it was to maximize his pace dribbling and passing so that he can do perfectly with the r1 that line shit goal that passes to the middle. im fucking tired of this bullshit the game is so unfair. those people were not negative like me, for example i was 7-7 when i lost a game, messaged him and he said to me and showed me a print that he was 13-1 like this makes bo sense at all. . does someone
Suiiiiii4everMay 11 4:16 AM
yeah this one won't let you spam the glitches thats why