Unknown userMay 14 6:01 PM
Friends,Today, I'm deeply concerned about FC24, a video game that promises the thrill of football but fails to deliver. It's disheartening to see a game with such potential marred by bugs, glitches, and pay-to-win elements.Instead of providing an immersive football experience, FC24 disappoints players with its unfair gameplay mechanics and relentless pressure to spend money. This undermines the enjoyment and integrity of the game, leaving players feeling exploited and frustrated.We deserve better. We deserve a football game that respects its players.
BougeMay 14 6:20 PM
I don't disagree, but I've never felt pressured to buy packs. This year has been the easiest ever to accumulate fodder and do big sbcs, no one I know spends money on it, it baffles me that people do, unless you're absolutely loaded. I can understand an addiction to gambling, but packs? I don't get it, especially when they cost ao much and you almost always get so little, and even if you did pack a huge card its not worth €30/40/50, especially if you're a lower level player.