DarwizzyLover9910May 17 2:10 PM
go on andre yedlin and youll see jumpingjames talking about a pump and dumo server he is in :thumbsup:, so no this evo is clearly fake
JumpingJames184May 17 2:25 PM
PROOF OF EVOLUTION: imgur dot com / a /8xp9KcB 
DarwizzyLover9910May 17 2:27 PM
proof of your pump n dump server is on futbin not some random ss only you have
JumpingJames184May 17 2:30 PM
that "screenshot" has police in it.. and earlier i said i changed and didnt want to join pump servers anymore so paid for police premium instead, worth every coin!!
DarwizzyLover9910May 17 2:41 PM
suppose that ww goretzka evo you also talked about didnt come out did it?