MaguireTheGoat511Sep 13 7:25 PM
Why not seperate men and women into 2 different ultimate teams? Idk about you but I am not buying this shit
magic80Sep 13 9:53 PM
Me as well - it's obvious they will lose money and players... the real question is how much/many? I hope this game tanks beyond expectations and teaches them a lesson. Normally, a seller modifies their product to better suit the needs of the buyer. In this instance, no one asked for this crap... quite the opposite. When I talk to players or look on Futbin, I don't see/hear anyone saying that this is a great idea. No one asked for this. Everyone is complaining about the servers, scripting, poor game play and other legitimate shortfalls. This is a forced agenda; I hope if fails badly.
SensaiGaia1Oct 24 7:06 PM
Lmao you aren't forced to use women or men for that matter. At the end of the day we play football with the same body parts and play because we enjoy it no matter who you are or where you are from. Just because a different gender is in the game doesn't make it any different. I'm glad women are finally being recognised and some of my role models from the women's game are in there that I can use in my team. Now especially media it's good to see a lot of young girls and boys being shown that anyone can play. No importa quien juegue el futbol es futbol