AmoAmeyourTerribleOct 11 6:01 PM
Ur not good
alf200718Oct 19 3:06 PM
Listen here you stupid cunt this kid is 17 years old and is the most prospecting player in the league, just because he mugged off your whole entire team and we beat u doesn't mean u need to disrespect this young boy like that he is 17 years old for fuck sake. Considering he is only 17 Whay could he had done to you he has a total of 89 minites this season and more than you'll ever have in a professional career ever. This young boy will earn more in a year then your whole family tree earns in a lifetime bitch boy
AmoAmeyourTerribleOct 19 8:27 PM
stop schmeat riding buddy he doesn't know u
alf200718Oct 25 5:21 PM
Right so you think your funny prickcunt huh with your name do u know what is funny how good Amo ameyaw os
AmoAmeyourTerribleOct 27 7:55 PM
I am better than amo Lameyaw I play for Newcastle United in my player career mode thank you very much
alf200718Oct 31 6:34 PM
You think u got jokes dickhead Own up what's your insta who are you