RasutNov 1 6:29 AM
i know this may sound like a rat and all but this evo is made for llorente if you choose anyone else is not a good option, only if you have a better rb (cafu and capita only i think) bcs the requirements is exactly for him and hes the only one you look and think, wow this is a great card. So i need to do him too even if i dont like to do the same shit as everyone but 150k or 2k fcp is too much for a mid cm gonna be usable for 1 month, this guy gonna be the best non icon rb for a long time
JoeCoolNov 1 6:32 AM
there will be RB paid evo coming soon. so many good RBs will pop up.
RasutNov 1 6:52 AM
i say that bcs the playstyles bro the relentless on rb or lb is super important