RasutNov 4 9:17 PM
i did the sbc my honest opinion is: hes good in protect the ball, passing, dribling, tackles, pressing with r2, carrying the ball on r1 dribling his physicallity is mid/good. Hes bad at run, finishing, chasing from the back the opponent, and his turns is not that good. My opinions is only do him if you pay at maximum 150k + fodder, more than that dont do it, hes good but not too op on b2b i use him on shadow maybe i gonna try another chem but shadow is the best, but sincerely even +8 pace dont make him faster soo maybe another chem gonna be amazing.
MarocFlavourNov 4 10:36 PM
I played him CM and did not enjoy him that much. Then I put him CAM with hunter (advice of someone here) and he is crazy good. I just uploaded one of his goals on YouTube (not a YouTube influencer, just for fun). His r1 dribbling is so good: dRFfqWo21Dc?si=3GNeumc3fiBLGeqR