Acm12000Nov 18 7:37 PM
This will sound horrible but I'm here to say the old gen version (even if you have new gen) is 9000x better. Yea graphics r slightly worse but it's so much more responsive and actually capable of doing well then new gen.
Unknown userNov 18 8:11 PM
i went back to old gen this weekend as at my girlfriends for a few days using her brothers, gameplay is so much smoother and got my most wins on champs so far
Acm12000Nov 18 9:02 PM
Right? I barely get a win on new gen, switched to old and got 14-3 on WL lol
RedCatPLNov 19 1:37 AM
Nice mate, someone will probably say that it's a skill and only bots play on old gens, but I've been playing on xbox one since it was the main console when it comes to tournaments and I think the level is okay, there's definitely no shortage of old timers :)