FerrNov 20 2:40 PM
2510 broken dislike what a community... This women is absolute game changer. I used all icon strikers except R9 ( i don't have money for him :) ) this women does everything. She is not tall but sometimes she jumps and goals. I tried Pele before her pele also good but at 60mins you need change him becoz he tires so fast because technical dribble+ like Ginola. I write this for rich people who reads some good comment before buy player. Non toxic players if you like this comment we can help somebody before buy players.
Sheriff69Nov 20 4:45 PM
Those dislikes were from the summer & start of the game when everyone was b*tching & moaning about women in the game. Now those same virgins jerk off every time they see a women promo card added to the game