MARKXmasNov 22 9:12 PM
Hooked up on this game, playing a lot lately, more then 50 games per week, doing level 1 SB, div 4 rivals upgraded rewards, usually 9 up to 11 wins in wl and most of the objectives but i am not sure if i can finish sbc on time. Did salah, vidic and Bellingham in two weeks and couple of hero and icon picks in meantime, but those 89s here are expensive...I know that this card can be played really long time, and last year didnt want to play with him since everyone had him in team, i even submited gold card to sbc. Never spent a dime on packs and dont plan to begin, not sure if i should start.
romeubragaNov 22 9:15 PM
start u have what is required
GotThumbsNov 22 9:58 PM
He didn't say what he has though
MARKXmasNov 23 5:51 PM
I meant, considering how much i play now in winter time, should i start this sbc, cause i am not sure if i can finish it in a month, spending real money is out of a question.