Lavesh11Nov 28 9:43 PM
Ive packed this guy 3 times im convinced ea wont give me anything but dupes. I face people in rivals and champs with neymars and mbappes and heres me i cant be asked man what do i need to do to get someone else. Even diani and im so gassed
Awiese421Nov 28 10:35 PM
I've opened 60+ player only packs since Friday and have only gotten Lukaku and Little. I'd be gassed to get Silva once. But I feel you. I finished Bellingham POTM last week only to pack his IF untradeable twice a few days later.
Lavesh11Nov 28 10:51 PM
I would give mine to u if i could lmao. Its jarring like all i want is a good player that i could use long term
Awiese421Nov 28 11:22 PM
I'd take it! FR. I'm tired of grinding BPM and League SBCs to get mid fodder. Feels like this years pack weight for me is in the mud.