CallMeBoxerDec 2 10:25 AM
Quick review on the card as promised: as I stated in my previous comment I dropped Fernando T for this guy. I was abit skeptical doing so at the start of my WL campaign but gosh it paid off. I started the first 10 games with finisher and he was very very smooth. Skill moves came out clean but it was missing that umph. He was indeed a V8. Next 10 games I slap a hunter on him and he turns into a v12 Mclaren. Unique body type, glides through small gaps, makes good runs behind and he can shoot. I don't think his shooting was inconsistent at all. I've always been a Auba admirer so he was the magic touch to my team. Is he worth it? Yea. Is he getting dropped for Fernando, no I don't think so. His responsiveness's to my commands are impressive as I just used fodder to get him. He'll be my ST till the market crash at TOTY. SAVE your coins people and do him. Negatives about the card: might get pushed off the ball by strong CBS. Dribbling sometimes can be a problem so make sure you know your skills. 8/10 card. Oh yeah finished 16-4 and my highest rated player was Kobel in all my rewards. EA, suck your mum. Y'all be nice and give your damn free wins. GG
Urboiissie112344Dec 2 2:32 PM
good review, thx.