Bernardhotshot00Dec 1 11:15 PM
Still worth it ?
SinCityDDec 2 5:56 AM
I honestly want to know asw since I have his IF unt but w/nowhere else to improve atm even a minor upg seems worth it since I'd only have to spend about 100k Max on fodder to do him before he expires since I have Witsel, Joelington, Schweinsteiger, Llorente/TB Cancelo as the other Midfield opt yn.
Teej03Dec 2 11:55 AM
Nah don't bother he's shit now
Bernardhotshot00Dec 2 9:36 PM
Aight i hope I get his TOTW as a super sub though
dominikuDec 3 12:18 AM
At the time his potm was worth but now I think Joelinton and de Jong are better than him. Bellingham has some goofy animations now
Awiese421Dec 4 5:26 AM
I agree. He's been doing the dumbest shit the last two WL for me. Got replaced by TT De Jong yesterday. Not looking back.