ElShaarawyOnTopSep 22 5:57 PM
I'm very disappointed by the comments but not even surprised since this is Futbin after all
squatgamer709Sep 22 6:32 PM
Ahahahahah it's you the guy who hated people disliking woman. Grow up virgin kid, you never touched a girl you freaking simp.
ElShaarawyOnTopSep 22 6:43 PM
Who said I hated those people? + the fact that you're debating about disliking people and telling me to grow up, says enough about your virginity.
squatgamer709Sep 23 3:41 PM
I fucked more women than you you ever talked to you idiot
ElShaarawyOnTopSep 25 10:44 AM
"Squatgamer709" yeah I doubt it