kvnwgDec 17 12:06 PM
Thought I was special packing her but played against her nearly every game in wl. Here's my review from a rank 4 player so take it as you will. I found bacha to be a better lb. I tried bomb at lb but bachas whipped pass plus is too elite. Rather, I found her elite in cm. Played her on for my attacking mid or b2b and she was everywhere. Amazing card if you don't mind the height. She's a rat fs. Pace: 9/10 quick step just allows her to quickly pull away. Shooting: 9/10 she's actually clinical other than her wf and lack of shooting playstyle. Her 85 position is a fake stat, she makes some unreal runs to get open. Dribbling: 8/10 her 83 agility is noticeable and wish she had technical. Passing: 10/10 she can do it all. Defending 8.5/10 personally feel like she's a better defender than bacha. Her anticipate was pocketing jairzinhos all wl. Physical: 7/10 stronger than you'd think. Hope this helps! I know I always appreciate it when someone does a review and is what futbin was made for instead of incels commenting random bs