JNS9Dec 14 11:52 PM
Have the gold one untrade and bought this one for 690k, ist thos Card worth the +700k price difference?
ManUfan95Dec 18 8:01 PM
a quick review, if ur not a noob u'll notice that finesse is useless, + it doesn't change a lot he still has the basic playstyle. the big difference is the technical tiki taka combo, too much OP, he never miss a pass in the cutback and that's a 100% goal. playing him on the right u'll feel that his trivela's are the same as his base card finesses, and the finesse is a plus on this card u can keep abusing it. obviously 700k is a steal for this card, he is worth 1M5 easily, he is better than 90% of the strikers and wingers, the only issue is 5 skill moves that's it