Maxistark1Dec 22 11:41 AM
guys, this has nothing to see with this, but i really feel good at this point of my life, i have a gorgeous girlfriend, iam on summer break, iam grinding a lot of 80+ picks before the christmas event, iam chilling, watching videos, later will watch a christmas movie, iam just happy, really :) hopefully you guys have an amazing christmas and a happy new year!!!
exact opposite for me. my parents are getting divorced, my mother getting arrested after being framed, life's hell for me. I have to get my grades up, but I really can't. if I'm not crying, I'm locked in my room playing fut. spend time with your loved ones for me.
DeBruyneISgoatedDec 23 5:07 PM
Fuck grades at the moment bro, try to spend as much time with family as you can, but that sounds like hell. Wishing with all my heart that you may have a merry Christmas.