bnl3314Dec 24 5:10 PM
I feel like people saying how this card is too expensive and "just buy his 90" are playing a different game than me. I've been playing this game for 5 years and this is the first legit chance I've had to own and play with a Gullit card, and I'll never have the liquid coins in this game to buy his 90 (I also play full FO/UT so I wouldn't buy the 90 and play with it anyways even if I could). But I've done 13/19 segments for this card already just clearing out dupes and high rated fodder I've had collecting dust waiting for an SBC I actually wanted to do. I have to say that if I hadn't packed gold Mbappe early in the game I'd have been tempted to put my fodder into his POTM instead, so if people are doing that one instead then gg to you. But otherwise, what are people turning their noses up at this card doing with their fodder? I'm worried about getting enough recoveries back to reclaim high fodder I've already discarded as it is. It is literally raining fodder.