Awiese421Dec 24 6:10 PM
Finished 16-4. Absolutely gross gameplay and some of the worst DDA I've ever seen. Literally had players I wasn't controlling knock balls directly into my goal, Unreal. Packed this card untradeable in rewards. You'd think I'd be stoked. Newp. Still don't want to play this sh!te game. This game is so f@cked I can't be bothered anymore.
Topman92Dec 24 6:32 PM
I couldn't agree more! Well done for packing him tho. You know the games done when you pack someone like this and you are not even bothered.
Awiese421Dec 24 7:35 PM
My thoughts exactly. I cant believe the crap we all go through to play this game. It's not even playable. I go out of my way to play through the middle and actually create chances... just to play against trashcans with 5 back formations who spam cutbacks, corners and kickoffs to try to get the win. Then message me when I win that I'm the garbage player. It's insanity to continue playing this sh!te. Cheers. Have a Merry Christmas my man.