Rohil07Dec 25 5:08 AM
opened around 60 packs and best pull was Dumfries. Spent 600k coins on the new pack and packed this guy along with Dybala, Militao, Van Basten and plenty of fodder to finish up Eusebio sbc. Not exactly pay to win since I used my own coins but I now get why people spend FC Points on packs. Seems like it's the only way to get a better team....
Jmurr19Dec 25 5:15 AM
Wouldn't have those coins if you didn't pay for points. It's 100% pay to win lol
Awiese421Dec 25 5:20 AM
I have spent $0 on Points and have 4 million coins. If you know how to grind this game and are any good you should have few million by now.