mankesterunityOct 25 5:05 PM
Quick honest review: Raul Gonzalez Blanco I’m speechless he plays like the best a man can get. His dribbling literally feels like a pair of ballsacks it’s sticky, hairy and may get irritated when you don’t use the right skillmoves, It’s disgusting and hes composure ohmygawd he scores everything. Outside, inside, bro this is a 13 in 1 shampoo type player. Raul has that immaculate poise like jesus walks on water. Amen to that brother. Use his playstyles accordingly. One finesse shot and ITS ALL YOU NEED. Again. All I can say is this is THE best a man can get. WORTH EVERY PENNY.
jediwolfajDec 25 12:53 PM
i call him the two time, scores two every game