ImBlqe27Dec 30 4:19 PM
How does he go to 89 and not 88. Surely if you put him into pitch commander and wait for him to expire, he's 83 then +5 = 88
omgronnieDec 31 6:29 AM
yea you complete the objectives that make him an 84, but don't claim it. so he stays as an 83, and when you're done with pep legacy he's 88. once he's 88 claim the objective you didn't claim before and he'll become 89
AliffzafiqDec 31 8:46 AM
Ok, want to check how about his sm and wf will be 5/5 after claim the obj that we didnt claim bfore?
DonverganchaDec 31 2:21 PM
Did it work??