CallMeBoxerJan 3 10:29 PM
I will be hanging up the gloves for any EAFC games coming out in the future by tots. I'm too far in to be quitting now. I've been a die hard fifa fan since 01. This is by far the worst game of all time. I haven't had a chance to have fun the past couple of months at all. For someone that touches elite every single year, I can't get out of division 5 now. I'm not being matched against people in my division. The game is destroying football and is not letting me play the way I want to play. Through the middle, 1 touch passes etc. I kept it to FIFA and COD for the longest time. They're now the two most boring games I've got. Started the new God Of War last night and I had the biggest smile on my face for hours. It was such a good thing stepping away from these micro transaction games for abit. There's more to life and your console people. Don't restrict it to fifa, cod or Fortnite. GG guys & give your damn free wins. You beat toxicity with being nice. If everyone came together and didn't stoop as low as the Gary that done the griddy. This game would somewhat be more tolerable. Ciao ciao
MarocFlavourJan 3 11:23 PM
So true! Last year div 1, year before elite. This year best was div 3 and I can't get out div 5 now.