ViniJunior77Jan 4 7:24 PM
Just won a draft game 4-3 in the last minute, i was looking at my phone just pressing x to skip to the menus. Apparently i got kicked out of ultimate team after winning in the last minute it said i disconnected and i lost "3-0". This company is a big joke for producing shit like this honestly. They ask us to buy the store packs but can't even fix a game they've been working on SINCE 2022. This whole company is just out for money and doesn't even care about the game itself. It was my last ever game played. And to all the ea employees, i hope u guys will never leave that 9-5 job sitting behind a screen doing fuck all, you're all bunch of nerds who won't accomplish anything in their miserable lives.
CocoCantoJan 4 7:26 PM
I swear this happened to me too
MO1973Jan 4 7:34 PM
To me also