Manoloo7Jan 13 12:25 AM
listen guys this is a trick from ea to make gamers believe that your team is bad and that you lose all the time after a while. they release evos all the time so you can grind it in rivals. That means you move up in the ranks, right? if you end up in division 4 or higher, so 3 2 1 and then elite. This means that you will end up in a server where the gameplay is very slow for you, there will be lag all the time, delays with passing, dribbling, you name it. Their biggest trick is that if you are high in rivals, your champs opponents automatically become elite players. Every game you encounter becomes a die hard game. None of this is told, but this is really true. try not to play rivals for once and stay 5 and lower in divisions you will see that you will have less trouble in champs. They do this because they wanna give you some feelings that your team is shit and purchase for packs in store. After Fifa's exit EA wanna make more money double money.
sandy10Jan 13 12:30 AM
an adult actually spent time writing this