dylanj198Jan 23 1:41 AM
Packed this card a few days ago. Buzzing. Tried him out in qualifiers then 8 champs games in I've given up with him. Feels like a weaker version of Sons POTM. Has a good first touch that's about it. Finess+ on him feels pointless as he scored 1 out of 15-20 for me. Has a decent trivela on him I guess. If you come up against a FB or CB who has some pace about them he struggles. Noticeable low points him being pocketed by gold Di Lorenzo. Regret putting my Del Piero into an sbc now after packing him. 3/10 for me
Roro98Jan 23 7:41 AM
fat skill issue he's crazy good and he's got the best finesse in the game takes me back to fifa 19