Khardwick15Jan 23 11:16 PM
any1 in here got marker knowledge? buy renard or will she drop a little? I don’t mind losing coins as they’re stay in team just wanna get a deal so I can get battle aswell. What prices should I realistically aim for?
EaserFCJan 23 11:32 PM
Keep an eye on her price tomorrow and you'll see the peaks and troughs - realistically all TOTY's will fall a couple hours into the full team release, that's your main buy time
Khardwick15Jan 24 6:53 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone :) I've currently got 2mil and trying to scrape some coins to also get battle. (Main priority renard) what's a realistic price for both would u say? 1.4 renard and 850 battle? Or could they be lower?