tinkietJan 24 12:04 AM
I was lucky to pack her. She started with a hat trick I'm in second division. Then absolutely nothing I can't play with her I don't know why... I just put her in the transfer list and go back to Joao Pedro and try Benzema radioactive.
Cirox90Jan 24 9:06 AM
Skill issue
Mano010Jan 24 4:21 PM
always everybody says skill issue . so easy to say he is in div 2 thats not bad at all for someone that actually have a life its not bad . so you think its cool to say skill issue like all the other Kids around here . not every player feels the same for everybody . we are no sheeps and say skill issue all the time . we are all different players and different thaughts about things in life . So kiddo STFU with your skill issue serieus Toxic Kids we never win a war with you boys
LifeIsFCMobileJan 26 12:36 PM
Fr bro clowns be saying skill issue