youknowmynameDec 9 12:19 AM
The only reason this game is not the worst FIFA ever it's because he's not called FIFA. There's a billion promo players but probably only pro players or someone willing to spend over a thousand dollars a week will pack anyone over 86, the gameplay has no resemblance whatsoever with a football match and sometimes it becomes clear that there's some kind of interference with the players response in game. I'm close to the edge with this game.
welshace1Dec 9 7:51 AM
If you havent been able to build a decent 88 rated team overall with free players, promo players and half decent pulls from free grinding.. the issue is yours, not this game...It has a lot of glaring issues... the ability to get a good team isn't one of them
youknowmynameDec 10 2:04 AM
I haven't said you could not get a good team, I said you can't pack promo players over 86. For instance: I packed over 20 eriksens, but none when he was in a promo. Makes sense to you?