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Some people excited that he fits in the EVO.... how can people not see EVO's are just another way for EA to screw us. They could just release the card as an 89 rated SBC in the first place but no. They release him as an 87 SBC so that people have to spend coins and fodder to get him, then need to spend coins or FC points to put him in the EVO then people have to spend gameplay time to complete the tasks to get him to 89 rated. EVO's are a load of sh*t. Just another way for EA to suck us dry with fodder, coins, fc points and gameplay. Pointless SBC and EVO, don't do it! Save your money, fodder and most importantly your TIME! In about 3 weeks even the EVO'd version of this card will be out of the power curve anyway... that's if it isn't already. This game is so far in the mud man.
Only 9 million? Thank god I thought he was going to be expensive for a second
THIS GAME IS FUCKING UNPLAYABLE!!!! A patch today and they fix fucking shot and pass cancelling?!! Is that really the biggest fucking issue? Clueless basterds!! They're making more money than they ever have from any football game and they don't give a single fuck about this community or gameplay. Get used to it folks this is the future of our game. It's only going to worse now year on year. I played 5 Rivals games today and it genuinely unplayable. ITS A FUCKING FOOTBALL GAME THAT YOU CANT PLAY FUCKING FOOTBALL ON!!!! EVERY FUCKING PASS AND THROUGH BALL INTERCEPTED CONSTANTLY, ITS FUCKING EXHAUSTING! AND EVERYTHING IS JUST FUCKING DELAYED AS FUCK! FIX YOUR FUCKING GAME YOU GREEDY MONEY GRABBING CRIMINAL CUNTS!!!!!
Folk on Twitter complaining that he'll be shit because Travela is getting nerfed in the next update. I've never used Travela in my life and he's unbelievable for me and will continue to be unbelievable. If you've not done this SBC.... do it. Simple as. Forget Sawa, women's football is absolutely shite and they can fuck off.
Absolutely done with this game, no incentive to play it now, the pack weight is absolutely shocking, can't remember the last time I packed a promo card. Even from SBC packs like 84+ double, it's giving me 2 84 rated cards every bloody time, not even any high rated fodder. Put hours and hours into the game just to get very little back in return, been a Fifa player since Fifa98.... it's just not worth the time any more guys. EA really need to rethink how they do things going forward, just giving us new menus every year isn't enough, the core of the game is rotting.
Seen on Twitter there was a new Alisson SBC. I thought great! I need a new GK.... come on here only to find he's a CM. Honestly so bored of this joke of a game, these position changes are so stupid man. It's not as if there are alot of great goalkeepers in the game as it is and they go and make one a CM. It's just silly man.
Don't play the game that I paid £90's for? Ok mate. Not the fucking point is it? EA should be keeping the game playable. You've obviously got 1 brain cell. Dickhead.
A prime example of EA stupidity, 3 months into the game and we have 3 different Griezmann special cards all 89 rated....WHY?! His IF is 89, this is a POTM card it should be higher than his IF! Dumbasses man, absolute dumbasses!
So annoying, EA do this far too much man. Ok they've given him a boost from his 88 Radioactive card, but why not give him a proper good boost to an 89 or even 90 to make it worth while doing? I have his Radioactive card, it's just not enough of a boost to justify doing the POTM, feels like a wasted opportunity, but then again with EA, it's always wasted opportunities.
Fucksake man it's nearly June, just fucking drop in price ffs
Took the time to comment though ;) it's ok if you can't read we won't laugh at you... promise.
Magnificent big basterd
I know that if I do this SBC he won't get upgraded, equally I know that if I don't do this SBC he will get upgraded and I'll regret it. Dilemma.
Who out there is paying 5.7 mill for Cole Palmer hahahahaha, own up! Who was it? Hahahahahaha mugs!
Been hanging onto this card since the start tradable, was thinking about selling him but do people reckon he will eventually get an EVO? If so I may aswell hang on to him, but how would he get an EVO if the Nike promo is done and dusted?...
As an Arsenal fan I'm gutted we lost but I take consolation in the fact that these ridiculously highly priced cards will not be getting an upgrade, fuck EA for this market.
Inject a 90 rated Cazorla promo card straight into my veins please EA
Oh thank god I thought he was going to be expensive for a second
Thought prices were going to drop, he was 4m not that long ago, I've saved up 3m so I thought I was close to getting him. Back up over 7m, I guess that dream is crushed now.
Why are EA so few and far between with the XP, I'm an objectives player, I want to grind the levels to get some packs and get to that Bergkamp, but it takes so bloody long man! Where is all the XP objectives?!
I'm done with this, the pack weight is absolutely sickening, the amount of packs I've opened through SBC's and objectives is ridiculous. I shit you not I've not packed anything over 87 rated, and the amount of duplicates I'm getting is unbelievable. Just done the TOTW upgrade pack, bare in mind I only have 2 TOTW players in my ofcourse it gives me a duplicate of the 80 rated card I already have. It's just constant 83 & 84's. That on top of getting baited by thinking you're packing something good then it turns out to be a woman. FC24.....Dead game man.
Thanks for letting me know, I almost thought you did for a second
I have a lot of fodder saved up for a big Icon SBC, I'm waiting for a striker, and I'm really hoping the next one isn't Cruyff to be honest I really don't get the hype around this card. I mean he's good don't get me wrong but I expected better, have used him probably around 10 times in drafts, I expected better, he's feels a tad clunky and not overly pacey.
Why's everyone crying about lack of shooting playstyles? Playstyles are 100% and absolute gimmick. His finishing is 98!!!! I've done him, got him up top in my team and he has 11 goals in his first 3 games. Don't let lack of playstyles blind you, with his high attacking position and finishing he is ridiculous! His finesse shots are unstoppable!
Obviously it's for objectives I'm doing you tool
Normally I would always take the packs, but I'm a Gooner, I want Dennis, with the way my pack luck has been this year I know I wouldn't get anything better than a 92 rated Icon in the packs anyway so I may aswell, even if I do end up using him as fodder at some point
Has anyone else's squad battle games reset? I got my rewards on Sunday and it's still saying my games for this week are 32/32 played, and I'm currently getting 0 points for every squad battle game I play :(
Why tf have they gave him Acrobatic? :/
The Base Icon SBC that was supposed to be coming today, all the Twitter pages said it was going to be base Cruyff?
In the mud
Is he really worth it guys? It looks so expensive!!! I used him in drafts and I'll be honest I wasn't blown away, but I don't know if I would like him more when using him for more than 4 games to get used to him. Looking at his stats I don't see how he's so much better than Henry, or is it literally just his 5*5* that people go crazy for?
Give your head a wobble
I'm here for the nontent
I grind endless objective packs and SBC packs, I've packed Nike Enzo Fernandez and an unusable 84 rated Trailblazer card. That's it. No cap.
Oh cheeky 93 Kane, pop him in the Nani SBC
Can't see it to be honest, all the EVO's are behind the power curve, if he does get an EVO it'll be around TOTS time or later, and who's going to pay 1.5 mill for him at that point?
sKiLL iSsUe
Cool story bro
Why is he so bad man? This games so shit at times it's unbelievable, why even bother making a TOTS Alisson if he can't save a bloody shot! You'd honestly be better off with a standard gold card keeper.... I think I might go back to my 92 Donnarumma, at least that card is somewhat consistent. This 94 Alisson is utter trash guys.
Stop crying man it's March ffs
I love nontent
To tha MOOOOOOON! Don't see why anyone wouldn't do this SBC, she already felt great at 89, going to be insane with the upgrade, better than Sawa at half the price. No brainer. Get it done before it runs out guys.
Isn't that what I just said? Dumbass
I've been scammed man, still to complete his EVO, but played 3 Champs games with him at 90 rated, hardly noticed him in my team. Barely won a tackle, and my previously solid defence felt all over the place with him it. Not impressed so far, he should feel so OP with those stats but feels absolutely nowhere near it. Rijkaard and Saliba feel much more solid pairing than this guy. Not just saying this for the sake of it, maybe I need get used to him but he genuinely feels terrible in game.
Where's the Icon SBC LOL
Feel like I've played the game every day, so much this season, still going to miss out by only 950XP, I've hunted everywhere and there's no possible way I can get it. Why don't they put extra XP towards the end of a season so everyone can finish grinding towards level35?! Feel like the XP is so few a far between these days. I used to complete every level on every season on previous Fifas...don't think I've completed 1 season on FC24 :( I hate EA man.
Ok time to sell mine, hung on to it long enough waiting for an Evo for him but he clearly isn't getting one. It really is a waste of coins just for a dynamic image. He'll only drop in value now anyway, definitely not going back up past 250k again at this point in the game.
Spent so much fodder and coins on this guy and it turns out Havertz is still clear
Never seen a more pointless SBC in my life tbh
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