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Just packed bro for the first time this year, Thank you EA , how kind of you you di ckheads, only took till April


Bro just wants 90 face stats lolll, Finisher is clear lil bro, also stats dont matter


I identify as a brokie, but I'll stay a brokie for life cuz I would rather die than give EA Sports any real life money

i can't support or even provide any more money to such a terrible company that clearly is not using the money to improve their products

Buying the game was enough, and yet I still regret my decision to purchase


Ive had Alisson gold since October and hes on 1476 games, bro is tired and needs a break but EA refuse to give me any icon goalies in the Icon PPs

Finally decided to just sent the upgrade on Alisson and spent coins on Donnarumma and bro is actually cold, noticeably better than gold Alisson lol

I see all these people pack TS VDS/Casillas all the time, but EA just don't want me to have an icon goalie smh....

(I have seen Van Nistelroy in a few picks ngl but I think I'd rather just stick with Gold Alisson, I cook that guy everytime I see him, which aint often)


Packed him a while back and can confirm hes still insane for me. If anyone is looking for a cheap goated striker, hes HIM

Only downside is he feels a lil clunky, but bro got 5 star skills which come off crispy af and rips everything on target at minimum

Also, I havent seen anyone mention it, but bros animations off crosses are insane, maybe cuz of acrobatic or maybe custom cuz hes the GOAT


No. We wait till FC 25 for WORSER gameplay. I think the reason we bring it up is because its progressively gotten worse over the years. Fifa 17 was peak Pifa imo, but its only gone downhill from there and don't get me started with any Pifa 2XXX, they're all garbage. If you don't believe me, It I'd recommend watching some gameplay of Fifa 17 to compare space in the game

Yes I know Worser is not a word but it gets my point across lol. And yes im a Pifa addict that complains but plays everyday...FML


Packed him from 87+ campaign pick and hes got 43 goals in 34 games for me

If your considering the Trailblazer CR7, Id definitely give him a go

Hes a lil clunky but he finishes everything he shoots and hes got some insane animations cuz of acrobatic lol


Sucking at this game doesn't mean much, game is dog****

I rarely lose anymore in this game but I play like a RATTTT, its not enjoyable considering all I do is score from cutbacks and corners

Its so boring, yea Im winning but its so sad to play, even my opponents know what I'm going to do, and they can't do anything to stop it lol


Evo Vidic or Evo Desailly, got both still don't know who I want to evo


Not tryna complain, but why does EA give him the 2 most useless playstyles....

Like ANY other playstyle +'s I would be happy

Remove both PS + and give him the PS + on literally any of his other current playstyles and its a great card lol


Guys, I am one of those people who rarely send special cards into sbcs, mostly since I am a hoarder and refuse to send cards for no real reason, I tell myself evos but lets be real, evos are garbage

I can do both 90 rated squads, have them locked and loaded in case I wanna send it

But I think thats where my fodda starts to run out, I might be able to do 1 89, maybe 1 88 after that, yall think I have enough time to finish him and is he worth sending my entire club in for a month, considering TOTS we will be replacing him lol


R9, Everyone got Palah


Hey hey hey, I actually use Fuhrich instead of Best, didnt do Best.....


I can send both 90s, 1 89, and the 85 rated team without opening 82x20 & 83x20 from crafting upgrade, none of the cup rewards and before rivals

Only have 70k coins, yall think I can complete him in time, I certainly think so, but

More importantly, is he worth mudding my entire club? (aka all the promo/sbc cards I dont use anymore)


Why does every person in Div 5 or higher just play around the ****ing back, im **** at this game so im div 7, but holy, every person ive played today refuses to actually attack, just keep switching it around the back you rats. I just leave at 0-0, so no, not a single person has beat me today

I just wanna evo my rashford and the rats im playing are probably people whose parents regret having them, considering they got a girl in the body of a guy

Varane Evo with Anticipate and Jockey+ or this new one with Anticipate and Block+ Got the first Evo and just packed varane so should I sbc the first one to get this Block + version or is Jockey still clear

Really wanna do him but I think ima have to pass, cant mud my club for another midfielder

Already have Makelele, Gundo, Rijkaard, Rolfo, Stanway, Kimmich and Sawa all who can play DM

Im sure some of you will say but Tchoua >>>, I agree but No shot hes 1.7 million clear of the people above.... lol

I WILL be there for Vini and Al O instead, Tchouamaninja, im sorry bro but EA done u dirty with 2 90s smfh


Hope he rises next week with UCL incoming


My Cup GOAT, bro still cookin lol


Him or Donnarumma UCL


Probably Salah or Henry, Id lean towards Salah since I think hes 4/3 which isnt amazing in April, I really enjoyed Salah POTM but if you match anyone who actually knows what their doing, its pretty easy to contain Salah since you just have to make sure he cant get a Finesse off with his left foot... trust me if you match someone who knows that, Palah is actually useless lol


1 88, 3 87s, 1 86, 1 86 left after sending all my fodda

I run an rtg, and somehow Ive ended up with 17 TOTW, need 2 for zidane lol

Idk if Gullit is achievable and whether I should start sending for him now lol


Is he still usable, ngl answer doesnt matter at all

Im 1 89, 3 88 squads away from you Dinho, my KING

Should I have completed you before Alvarez? Yes, Should I have completed you before Zambrottra? Arguably, but YES, I am so sorry, please forgive me


You don't have any reason to believe me, but hes incredible, maybe not Mendy level but better than Robo

He is also just really useful considering he can go LB and RB


Yea I let people score and then score an own goal, kinda trying to make it obvious that im just here for the daily play

And yet... They always pause like ima back out lol


Is he worth replacing Rijkaard with? Ive really enjoyed Rijkaard at DM but hes a bit clunky dribbling which isnt really an issue but hes certainly slow which bothers me occasionally


Appreciate the summary lol


Congrats bro, BUT did anyone ask? Anyways, hope ur wife is doing well!

I'll be the first to admit im a virgin, seems like I actually have women repellant+... No girl has ever spoken to me unless I start the convo lolll

I will also say in 22 years of life, I've also never asked anyone out so that may have something to do with it too


packed him 2nd day early access before we could even get on the game

Still in my team to this day and still cookin

Only wish he wasnt such a weak kid sometimes lol

Also no green = no party


Ive still never used VVD this year lol, I refuse to buy players to add to my squad, im still rocking gold Alisson

Never used mbappe this year either

One day I may just give gold VVD a go... but probably not


Ngl I feel this comment to my soul, I havent packed any versions of Mbappe, Hansen, Putellas, Vini, or even ****ing VVD and its almost April

**** am I even doing playing against all these P2W teams

Whats even funnier is EA havent even granted me a single Icon goalie in any PP or pack, im still using gold Alisson, idek why I ask for this pain anymore

6 gamble Icon sbcs: 3x base Trezeguet, base cantona in Jan, base Baresi, base Cannavaro; 2 most recent icon pulls from non-base icon PP: 91 Shearer WW and 92 TS Nesta - warra luck, wont be getting next years game at this rate....


Genuinely cant decide who to play between HIM and EVO Arna Riise, both are absolute UNITS

I can fit either into my team so not sure who I should start

Might have to use Arna Riise in the midfield off the bench or something I guess lol

That's exactly why I won't be doing him, 1.6 mil for an aura this close to TOTS is crazy, I'd rather do attackers honestly Those were only my defensive mids, I also have Zizou, Zico, almost done Hagi, so I'm set for midfielders, I've been looking for a RW to replace Fuhrich/Palah so I'd rather be able to do Vini and Al Owaian, Vini also gonna be out for a month so he'll be easy

Idk who needs to here this, but she is incredible in this game

I think I score with her WAY more than others and i honestly don't know how, I use her on a shadow but shes the perfect b2b

Ive scored like 240+ goals with her in like 370 games and shes also got like 270+ assists... I do play Squad battles but I honestly barely use her there

She scores in every rivals game for me tho, and I legit just scored a 12 min hat trick with her and my opponent rage quit lolll... Gotta love Div 4

Also I'm sure I'll be downvoted for saying this but I genuinely don't wanna send my club for 1 card, especially since I enjoy building different teams and using different players Id personally rather not give it all up just to use the same guy over and over even if he's meta lol

People wont agree, but I think Rijkaard is amazing at DM for like 1/10 the price, he has the same positions too, and has intercept+ as well

Is he what you'd get with Tchouameni, NO.... but I'd say hes WAY better value, I also just did Makalele (was 7/9 before Tchoua dropped) and I've felt hes really good replacing Rijkaard


What chem style did you use?


Lil bro tripping, it definitely takes some degen grinding, but I done Akanji, completed every squad for Joao Felix except an 86 as of now, and will likely bang out Bastoni too considering I still have 2 days

I rarely do gambles but I agree with the guy above, did 5 base icon PPs - got Trezeguet base 3x, Cantona base when he was at 280kish, and Baresi, then no gambles for months until the most recent icon PP and pulled Nesta TS and Shearer WW Those were my highest rated cards in my club at 91 and 92 rated after months of not doing gambles even tho they're fodda All my other 90+s were SBCs I've never pulled Hansen, Putellas, Bonmati, even VVD gold, Vini, Kerr, KDB until yesterday so sometimes some peoples luck just sucks (like mine)

Tchouameni Radioactive Evo or Kante at DM


90 Alaba or 91 Cancelo from Peps Legacy

Both would be playing in the midfield for me


Not when you've never packed him, finally at a point where I can pick him up without worrying his price will drop

Ive literally never used him for even 1 game lol


Damn I just sniped him and didnt realize that I used my LB Crossing Crusader on Ranieri who I had untradeable, not realizing that the Evos were different.

Should I do Cancelo or Alaba to 91 in Peps Legacy. Think Cancelo would defo fit my team better since I would just swap him from rb to cm for Llorente, but I can do the same thing with Alaba and Blanc I guess

TLDR: Cancelo or Alaba 91 in Peps Legacy, both fit team + wasted crossing crusader on Ranieri


Him or Casillas base?

I really like Donnarumma but bro doesnt catch any ball, its always parry, but I feel like every keeper does that but not sure


VAMOOSSSSSS yesssss, Lets go PImo Pener...COLDDDDD


him or Araujo IF

dont have Varane yet but I dont think Id evo him since im on rtg, but is his base better than araujo IF?


used Crossing Crusader on Ranieri

Should I do Peps Legacy for 90 Alaba or Cancelo to play in the midfield, leaning cancelo for stam and 5/5, also Camavinga looks nice too

FML lol


Have him untradebale and already started crossing crusader

Should I bother with Pep's Legacy or should I just save it for Alaba or Cancelo, both who fit my team

I can make Ranieri fit too but idk if hes like dat


Yes bro, Im genuinely not sure how u play against 71 depth without Finesse+, it makes it so much easier to score against those rats since u can just launch shots from deep and they just fly in. Maybe try his gold first and test the Finesse and see how you like it before sending him.

For me, hes a must do cause im a Finesse+ Merchant


Wait to snipe his gold or Evo Ranieri to 93

Ranieri looks cold even tho hes doesnt really fit my team lol


Him or Rodrygo with Jack of All Trades, Correa looks better but I only wish bro could play RW lol

Also Rodrygo TB sbc was a club legend for me lol


Him or Correa with the same Evo


I saved 40 packs that were all 81 x 2, or better from objectives, decided to rip them and send TOTW PP's with any dupes

Then did the weekly winter trader glitch and now here I am lol


Rodrygo or Correa? Im sure a lot of people have the same question lol

Will do 99 shooting and then Jack of all trades for 5/5 on whoever I choose tho ngl

Also thinking I might do Rodrygo 99 shooting --> Bday Magic, then do Correa in Jack of all trades regular


Im tired of not packing anyone usable from all the packs I open, never once packed VVD, Hansen, Putellas, Vini, Kerr, Mbappe so guess what, im going to use those exact players your tired of. Why? cause they are my best cards since I cant pull anyone from packs lol

In terms of coins, how does one even make coins unless they buy coins or buy Pifa Points? Cause not everyone has the time to be a full time stock ****yst on a flippin video game, some of us touch grass and see the real world...


Rodrygo or Correa? Wanna do 99 shooting --> Jack of All trades, Correa looks better but Rodrygo TB sbc was soo cold, I miss him


How is he at RW




Evo Desailly or Evo Vidic, got both still undecided

Will partner with Evo Marquez or Evo Akanji...yes my backline is already end game in my own opnion lolll


The thing with Ranieri was that I thought there was 2 Crossing Crusaders and he dont fit my team so I thought Id just do him to 88 for future evos

Cancelo is actually the one I want to finally get my TB CR7 on full chem but im also sure its not that serious with chem in Pifa so im thinking I should do the best option lol


Guys Buongiorno or Akanji

Buongiorno has not set a foot wrong since I completed him so im really debating whether Akanji can replace him lol

My other CB is Konate or FS Cannavaro sometimes but both those guys will be staying for Chem and just cuz they beasts lol


Him w/evo + upgrades or Mukiele with Showdown winners Evo

Ngl, Vasquez looks cold but Mukiele looks colder, havent done his evo, busy with some other ones but Mukiele base been cold icl


Evo Him or Vidic


Him or new Saliba Evo with Jockey?


I'd agree but I cant pack ****ing **** in this game. My team rn is Gerd Muller base who I got 2 weeks ago from Icon Pick, Kane TOTY HM, Zizou sbc, Sawa sbc, Kimmich sbc, Cafu sbc, blanc sbc, Disasi sbc, Havertz SBC and Alisson Gold

My best pulls this year in terms of value have been base Cantona, and TB CR7 who I packed the day before his WW dropped and it was already leaked (Overall best pull when I packed them was 309K, but whos counting) - never used VVD lol

I've never packed a TOTY, barely get promo card past 86/87 rated, and I play Every ****INg day, I should end it all but im an addic


best chem style? Finisher or Marksman? or is it just a Hunter vibe


oh and you clearly have not played older Fifas, in older years of the game, there were silvers cards for under 10K that could score from damn near the halfway line, It was NOT realistic but it sure was actual fun, games ended like 9-7 lol


Im too broke too, Some of us dont spend real money on a pixel game

Or if u dont, some of us are degens that enjoy sending our clubs into players we like I guess lol

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