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Trickster ??????? hahahahahahah the only trick he does is cut inside and pass the ball back LOLLLLL

Fan's favorite in game but undeserved af
Why the fuck he has a tots???? EA?
Kids saying this card is mid because it's not their daddy mbappe or other "meta" players, but this card is insane! And the value is spot on! I'd say if you're a meta slave just leave us alone to enjoy cards like this.
Logged in, played 3 games for the daily objective, claimed my packs, logged off.
Pictures swapped lmao classic ea
Literally the weirdest community ever, this is by far top 3 holding CDM in the game right now. Insane stats and even better playstyles. What else do you need
Slap an Anchor on him and put him in that CDM position and good luck for anyone getting past him
Been watching them long enough to tell you that I can name 5 players other than her who deserve TOTS or TOTS Moments. She barely played this year not more than 100 minutes in total. EA still trying to sell packs for kids
Guys FOR FUCK SAKES THIS GAME MAN. People spamming slide tackles and they never get sent off. And when they do they leave the match in draw. Seriously how can we play like this! At least give us a fucking win when they leave the match you fucking piece of fucking shit company.
83x10 is REALLY 83x10. Bro wtf is this shit
Like if you did him the day he dropped and not waited for Atleti game
Someone just gave me a free win in rivals and I texted him "thanks" and he was like fuck off ???? What is happening to this community LMAOOOOO
Well I guess EA didn't see that one coming, they gave out this card in every pack and now he'll be 91 with 87 pace and raccoon+ and other cracked playstyles. We'll take that
We seriously need to do something about those kids man, i was up 4-0 and this dude scored a pen in the 90th minute to make it 4-1, and he did griddy and started texting me "noob noob". I mean what the actual fuck do they feed these kids ? You're losing and being toxic! Come on man. the game is already garbage and so boring and these kinda stuff just make it worse.
What a fucking assist by this gem just 1 minute after he came on. Absolute master class this boy.
If you used her gold u already know ;) .. but damn would've loved it to be an sbc EA!
CRAZY how EA literally said ("unintended" rewards), just show how this company play with the pack weight so people go and buy store packs with $100 every single weekend. Look, I was lucky to get red Mbappe and I was happy, and then i went on twitter to see everyone get him, then EA decided that it's "unintended" and fucked it up for everyone else. This is just so sad. I have lost interest along time ago, now this is the buzzer beater for me, i'm so done. Fuck your game and your mbappe.
WHY THE FUCK THERE IS A 5,000 FC points pack in the store ?????? That's $50 !!!!! And repeatable! So kids could spend $100 in one go! What the fuck EA? Like seriously what the actual fuck!?
Fuck IF requirements dude
How's she 110K ??! This game is so dead bro it's not even funny. Raccoon and Duracell ps+ with some other decent playstyles for a DM , AND 5*wf so she can pass with either foot. Not mentioning that her gold was one of the best CMs at the start of the game because of her movement and AI. Bloody hell if i don't pack her I'll just buy her for cheap.
Brexit means Brexit!
Straight into my midfield and idk who my midfielders are one of them is getting benched, he is HIM.
What a fucking dead game man, literally nothing to do after winning 7 rivals games and WL. Pack weight is so ass, gameplay is garbage, everyone abusing mechanics and glitches, everyone plays with the same 4321 formation. Zero creativity and zero ball knowledge for this trash company. And let's not talk about TOTY because WHAT THE FUCK? People saved more than 600 packs and got NOTHING. Grinding and doing all the stuff for nothing man. I hope EA burns to hell and never make a football game ever again.
Guys this game isn't worth our mental health, please take a break every now and then. Cheers
Being Elite doesn't mean you're good at the game you're just playing too much and probably abusing mechanics to win so relax your ass
Guys I finished the cup and now i'm helping people do the objectives, I'll play with cross-play ON, my team name is "Squad ZERO" and Spain badge. If you see me then it's a free win for you. :) have a good day everyone!
Lol ya'll crazy, you said Pajor was meh because she's 5*3* now ya'll creaming over a meh evo
People wasted their fodder on Felix and now they're talking trash LOL. He's way way better than Felix
>>>> I don't usually make comments on streamers and what they do, because that's what makes then happy and earns them money, but OH MY GOD just go watch 2 minutes of Auzio playing, the dude is literally the kind of rats and the main reason why those kids play like they're in a world cup final in every match. Step over this and player lock cancel that and just full meta squad and nothing hurts cut backs. That is just disgusting. I literally played a guy last night on Champs his team name is (DNT B LIK AUZ) like damn!
I have like 6 active evos and I'm genuinely bored rn, why can't we complete 2 at once? This is so time consuming to play 10-15 matches with each evo. So fucking boring i'm not completing any of them until EA let us do 2 evos at the same time, which they won't.
EA made 82x20 pack repeatable but threw the pack weight in the mud! I did it 3 times and highest was Kroos 86 from the 3rd pack. Happy birthday to you EA.
If you're in div2 or lower, DO NOT come to div1. This is literally HELL. Everyone plays like there's a gun to their head. So sweaty and ratty for absolutely no reason.
Since December I've been playing lesser and lesser games everyday, at this point i just do 3 matches for the daily objectives and call it a day. This game is in such a deep pile of shit and there's no way to fix it, thankfully I didn't even buy it and I got it as a gift from my cousin. But i feel bad for those who bought it and keep buying fc points every weekend to get packs and promo players because the packs you get from rivals and champs just doesn't give out, and only for the gameplay to be utter garbage. holy shit EA, money grabbing pieces of shit.
83x10 is as shit as it could be. What the hell happened to pack weight? I can't even pack anyone higher the 86. Last week every pack gave out Okoacha and Prinze now I ant even pack 89 Kewell.
Wait WHAT THE FUCK why only 1 ps+ ????? Valverde is lower than him and has 2! Wtf EA???
Had it been premier league both cards would've been 89 or 88 minimum. German league tax made them 87. Shameless EA
We need more cup mode with maxed out 87 squad. It really exposed 98% of the community who only rely on mbappe and other meta players to win marches. That was super fun. We need more of that EA so we can cook those kids.
He's gonna be insane with just one upgrade
That's 90 guaranteed. Monza game will be tough, but fingers crossed anything can happen in a football match, hopefully they win and he gets 91.
And what does that gotta do with mbappe you flexing little twat ?
Icon for 18k what in the EA is happening lmao
The packs we get from daily log-in and daily play are fucking garbage. These are literally SEPTEMBER packs what the fuck is 75x5 !!!!
No, this company needs to get their shit together. It's a multimillion dollar company and we pay for good content and good gameplay. Guess what, we have neither. Shit content and shit gameplay you ea dick sucking kid.
I would like to personally speak with everyone's parents and ask them how they treated their kids when they were growing up. Omg man these kids are so toxic for absolutely no reason, this is just a game win or lose nobody is paying you money for it. The toxic stuff they do during the match, the texts they send after OR DURING the match, the quits when you draw or they get a red card so you don't win. Just why man? I swear this is the most toxic community since COD in 2011.
Literally top 3 best sbcs this year, still bossing my midfield since the day he released. I really wish we won the remaining 2 games and he gotten the extra +1, but he's still so damn good.
Also if your name is omarcoyt , fuck you u stupid little toxic nigga. Stop pausing the game after every goal u score u dumb fuck
AINT NO FUCKING WAAAAAAYYYYYY! Omg I FINALLY PACKED MY IDOLLLL for the first time since Fifa 20 man! Wtffffff :')))))
Funny how this game has been $25 for almost 6 weeks now, just tells how fucking garbage it is
I just played champs qualis, qualified, but I am not playing Champs this weekend, there's absolutely no point of playing 20 games in this awful gameplay! Just terrible, i'm not sure what else to say.
For your sanity, don't play champs today
Don't let anyone tell you he's outdated. Yes this shit game is about playstyles and all the garbage shit they came up with this year, but also his unique "Ronaldinho" body type let him do stuff no other player can do. He's so smooth on the ball and very strong as well. I'm banging goals and assists every match with him. Winger or CAM he's always involved in the play-up. Truly unreal.
I'm sorry but Sawa's days are numbered.
Raccoon and Block goddamn
People REALLY bought him for +120K man shamelessly LMAOOOO
99 agility while being 6.0 is insane
83x10 is literally just a scam pack. EA has nerfed it so bad I barely get anything higher than 84.
HAHAHAHAH multimillion dollar company and the game crashes every 10 minutes on my Ps5, and oh my lord the amount of times i got disconnected during champs games. This company needs to be sued ISTG.
If your name is soccerpenguin on xbox, fuck you and your mother you toxic son of a bitch. Wasting time sine the 16th minute on 1-0! Fuck the toxicity your family taught you you fucking idiot kid.
Finally packed him tradable to make some coins .. oh nvm.. 2 months too late
YES ASSIST THAT's +1 guaranteed. And he plays every game so that's another +1. When he become 90 he'll be insane
RIP Gullit gang it's Goretzka Gang from now on. Bloody hell what a fucking card!
He's very well priced what is wrong with ppl yapping! 5-5 and insane stats, easily end game card. People just complain about literally everything
Congratulations to everyone who had faith in this sbc and completed him. Me personally, I didn't, i'm a barca fan but I didn't expect is to win today. Looks like I missed out. Fair enough, again congrats guys! And have a great night!
Totally different players buddy
He's unbelievably good on a shadow as balanced CM in 442. And before those kids come and comment "div10 moment" i'm on win away from elite so relax ur tits
+6 / +6 / +4 / +5 / +7 / +7 ,, but according to EA logic it's only a +1 overall. Such a stupid company. Anyways he IS BROKEN in the midfield. Should be at least 94 with those added stats. So glad I got him!
4 90 squads is crazy but i'll be there just for the vibes. I fell in love with football because of him so idc if he's expensive
I'm watching the stream and holly hell if you wanna be a pro hustle run down the wing and cut back :DDDDD what a shit show and kids call them selves pro hahahah
If you play Golden Goal in the cup, I hope God make you marry the love of your life
I have him untradable and I wish i can give him to someone who wants him :(
Yup, officially deleted this game, it's so bad and I just get so frustrated when i play it, people are playing like robots and makes the game even worse. I never felt so frustrated playing a video game in my life.. my mental health is more important! I hope ya'll enjoy the game while you can, and take a break every now and then before it drives you crazy, cheers! :)
I played 3 games of champs. balanced formation 433(4). The 3 games i was going 2-0 or 3-1 in the first half, then the second half I swear the game freezes and skips frames, and all my players just stand there. And for some reason all my players suddenly get to 20% stamina, even Toty Sawa who has relentless+ she cant even run and her stamina is all drained out. And guess what, I lost the 3 games. This isn't a connection issue because I have wired 5G and before the game it shows me 8ms speed. This is just awful gameplay and scripting at its finest. After those 3 games, as a regular rank 2, i just stopped playing and gave away all the rest of my 17 games. This game is just so bad to play and it gets worse and worse every weekend.
Champs went from a near logical match making mode to full sweats only. This is so bad and depressing the way the majority of this community play the game. Constant pressure from minute 1, every players comes back to defense, park the bus and switch sides. And when they get a chance to go forward all they do is hug the line and look for a cutback. I played 6 games and in the 6 games I be going up 2-0 or 3-1 and the dude draws and leaves the match. 6 games in a row. I just closed the game because this isn't for me anymore.
Did 17 82+ upgrade, got 14 82s and 3 83s. Thanks EA.
DEAR FUCKING EA SPORTS PLEASE BAN LOANS FROM CHAMPS!!!! I lost 3 fucking matches all to FULL SQUAD TOTY LOANS. I swear from Alisson all the way to Messi, all fucking LOANS man! What the actual fuck is this????
Lol EA will trash ya'll again, but I already have him untradable so I'm chillin whether he gets evo or not
This gotta be the best midfielder i have used this year. He's just a joke how good he is
I put anchor on him and in-game played him CDM for the vibes, 3 people texted me saying "F off" lmaoooo
People are really sweating in champs QUALIS man. I just played against a dude who held the ball with his defenders the entire game just switching sides. And after the game he FUCKING TEXTED ME LOL saying "you're disgustingly bad". Bro it was 3-2 and you held the ball since the 50th minute! Why are people weird like this
FOR FUCK SAKES everyone plays pressure after possession loss. You can't even breath with the damn ball. What the fuck
I fucking regret getting into Div1 man, what an absolute sweatfest. People are playing like there's a gun to their head
Ea really said Fuck fut police here's all the coming sbcs
For fuck sakes EA what is this low IQ. We all been waiting for a Rolfo card and now that she's injured you decided to give her a "Live card". I mean ofcourse Barca Women will win all games and score more than 11 goals so she'll be guaranteed +2! But since she cant play there won't be a +4, because she must play and get a clean sheet for that. Smh just so dumb
Bros name is EA employees
Update: I used him alongside Toty Xavi in various formations this WL, mainly 4231 - 4312 - 4132. I got 17 wins and the 18th win just slipped away in the last minute. What can I say, he is absolutely world class and his presence in the midfield is just like Gullit without a hair. Incredible interceptions and tackling. Passing is elite with that incisive pass 11 assists. Scored 7 long shot bangers thanks to his long shots and finesse+ ps. So yeah he is well worth more than 300K if this game wasn't dead. 8.5/10
Ok, I gave his evo a try, and yes defensively he's so good, but it depends on your style of play, I have TOTGS Cancelo and for me he's better because I attack all put with both my LB and RB (I know very offensive), and Walker is really not that good, his dribbling and passing weren't good for me and he felt on the down side a little bit, even though Cancelo lacks some pace but his passing/dribbling/defense combined made up for that. But again, defensively he's soo good, but don't evo him just because everyone is doing him, look for the players that suit your playstyle and so on. Cheers and happy holidays
EA are so funny, it says servers are experiencing high volume traffic. Bitch no body playing your shitty ass game at 11:30pm on a fucking Monday night. Just say your servers are SHIT.
What the actual fuck is this champs gameplay? I sweat the scripting is UNREAL. I was comfortably going 9-1 after 10 matches, and FOR SOME FUCKING REASON, I ended up 11-9! WHAT THE FUCK? Like i won only 2 matches from the remaining 10 and lost on the most disgusting ways ever, penalties out of nowhere, cut backs and all the stupid shit. And my players just watching like I'm completely playing with different players that I already won 9 games with earlier! Goddamn I will fucking sue this company I swear to God.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is this community man! I just switched off my console because i'm so done with this bullshit. I swear 5 games in a row I get a penalty and the other dude leaves the match! 5 games in a row!!!! What is this madness man! Fuck those kids.
Hattrick for my girl she's too good
Why is he 570K and Doku 3.5m ?they're literally almost the same stats, 5* skills isnt worth 3m
She's already 23, starter for the national team and won many trophies with Lyon. How is she a "future star" when she's already one? I don't get this company
That store pack merchant RATzio (auzio) put him into haverts sbc he said he's not usable in highesr divisions LMAOOOO cheers mate I bought him and he carried me all the way to Elite and now i'm 1090 Skill Rating. Absolute BEAST.
Fuck it, jst put him into an sbc idc anymore tbh lol Watch EA release the evo soon just right after I wasted him
Bro it's fucking Cadiz come on just win this game ffs
Evil Assholes^
Aint no way some people are this dumb
His positioning is out of this world. 97 FOR REAL. For me top 3 AI's in this game
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