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packed her and saw the rating, stats and PS and was like o s**t! shes gotta be 7-800k. shoulda known better bc i pack s**t this year.

gave her a go anyway tho and she's def him. i know ppl r using engine on her but i threw a hawk and holy moly my bros she's JAMMY. and her shooting... my god man. dribbling isn't like zico or anything but it is more than good enough to put in a straight shift at cf or st between her lean B type and dribbling stats. she recovers the ball very often when she gets stripped which i wasn't expecting. takes right tf off w/ rapid as well. she quick.

underpriced fs


Numerous blessings upon you RileyTheBeast7. May your life be long and may you bury many 5 atb cutback spamming rats in WL week after week. Respect


quit wafflin'. yes this is who you should evo for relentless winger. hes f**kin' cracked in game. just look at his stats after full evolution. he's 90+ pace w/ 89 dribbling (gotdam 94 97 agility and balance) and 80+ shooting w/ a unique Btype and fookin 5* 4* with 7 of the most op and just generally fun playstyles to use ig and he can play on BOTH sides for fooks sake! if you're worried ab links, just search who else is saudi league now, and portugal is a top 5-6 nationality. all this shizz and you can literally have him in ur starter team. f*** ansu. jota miles clear. evo and enjoy mates :


cool. i have ur mummy on macack.


He’s actually cooking for me. I usually don’t particularly like Lauto in game but this one’s moving a bit different. His dribbling feels great and he’s finishing his dinner consistently as well. Definitely worth the price of the sbc imo.


O ok. Cool. So you can honestly say that you’ve never experienced any form of DDA/scripting/momentum during online games??? Bro why u riding ea’s di c k so hard? Forreal. I’ll wait.. sounds like EA employee has entered the chat to me. Trying to make ppl feel like they’re crazy for noticing obvious fu c kery is weak as fu c k.


ea, where tf is my xp and pack for watching ur bulls**t event where the gameplay looked as bad as any given saturday afternoon during wl? congrats, u ****s now have me wasting time on ur trash fire of a game even when i'm away from my console... ffs


packed him and Best last weekend in the icon sbc. playing him ST in a 4213 and he's been awesome for me so far. 49 goals in 53 games. really jammy and feels quick despite his size and body type. dribbling is amazing and skills come off really nice and he's a goal machine, especially if you get him inside the box. any angle, either foot, it's a goal. haven't hit a bunch of long shots with him but i don't really take long shots with my ST so that's probably why. wish he had a better playstyle plus but he has technical chip and power shot playstyles and u can def tell. hope that helps.


Everybody said no upgrade lol. Imagine only doing kulu


good for u bro. shes a W. fr. try her


and now i've got both and still can't string together 3 wins together in rivals ffs


HOLY S**T!. finally a massive pull from the stinky af icon sbc. week after week of mudding my club to complete 2 icon sbc's to get laudrup, kluivert, alosno... hope ur luck turns around too fellas. LETS GO!!


Advent calendar let’s go!


quit wafflin'. yes this is who you should evo for relentless winger. hes f**kin' cracked in game. just look at his stats after full evolution. he's 90+ pace w/ 89 dribbling (gotdam 94 97 agility and balance) and 80+ shooting w/ a unique Btype and fookin 5* 4* with 7 of the most op and just generally fun playstyles to use ig and he can play on BOTH sides for fooks sake! if you're worried ab links, just search who else is saudi league now, and portugal is a top 5-6 nationality. all this shizz and you can literally have him in ur starter team. f*** ansu. jota miles clear. evo and enjoy mates :


lol came to see if i should finally cave in and bench my goat casaveseverything for the cech sbc after listening to pick complain ab how broken he is for the last 2 weeks. newest comment comin' in clutch. looks like i'm doin alverez haha


Congrats bro fr. Happy for u and ur mental. I’ve deleted the game twice already this year but the last time I made it 2 weeks and then re-downloaded Thursday bc of black fri hype. And ofcourse ea have given me George Best and Cantona (and Rivaldo, meh) from the base icons, ts icon Campbell from random 84x2 and centurions musiala from mixed campaign. Dirty f**ks know what they’re doing..


Ea employer has entered the chat


Jota my GOAT will not be leaving my wing until Picolas benches him too! F**k the haters in the chat jus mad cuz they did ansu instead an he wasn't usable after a 3 wks meanwhile the real ones out here still cookin em in champs wit JOTALDINHO in MARCH :muscle: :joy: :joy:


got both, lewas clear fr


That was a Coin transfer. Sure that dudes doing just fine with his pay to win a**


well if ur lucky like me you'll do the sbc (all that fodder ffs) and then ea will gift u this version the day after in a 83x10 just to **** u off.. not complaining. i know i'm lucky to pull him but damn. i just can't ever get a pure W from ea.


u forreal bro??? r u new here?


Grizzy easy


they sleep great i'd assume, knowing that they have much better teams than u and i running our rtg's and struggling to get 10 wins every weekend in this pay 2 win dumpster fire of a game.


hot take... f**kin' poptart


f**king SOLD


yea no sh i t you fu ck in poptart. do you not understand how comparisons work?? he used valverde specifically for the younger players that may not know seedorf like that. for fu cksake imagine tryna clown someone who actually used some braincells on their comment w/ some retard level sh it like this...


smd virgin. i bought the ultimate edition so i can play old gen on ps5 when ea's inevitable trash gameplay and endless bugs show up on new gen. not broke, just well prepared for ea's sh it. so while you're gettin steamrolled by park the bus and opponents who only know how to score one type of goal (cutbacks) i just switch to my old gen copy and am still able to get a bit of enjoyment from the game.


actually a very fun card. she was in one of my 86x2's last night and i've been using her today at cam and she can left stick and r1 dribble like no one else i've used in the game this year. her shooting is great too. 8 games 9 goals so far in div 1 rivals. if you pack her your should at least rip a few matches w/ her just for the vibes and she may end up hanging around in your team for a bit.


forgot to say i play him w/ engine


i mean he's sharing an experience and asking for input ab the game this website is centered around. he can say whatever he wants in relation to it. u don't have to like it but it's his right to say it. if u can unplug ea's meat from ur bottom for just a sec u might realize he was asking for help from the community on some insight for how to enjoy the game from ppl who are still playing it and getting enjoyment from it.


Have both. Clauss is good, really fast and smooth on the ball but not very good defensively for me. I switched llorente in a rb ab a week ago and he’s clear. Not quite as quick or smooth but definitely has a physical presence and claims the ball off opponents for fun. Definitely use an anchor on him though. The phys upgrade is very noticeable


damn... that was fast


too bad he's got the 2nd ps+... would've definitely put him in the inform evo


bro. i play alot too (like 3-4 hours most days) but what ur describing is 100% addiction and i want to seriously implore u to seek help. not trying to be a ****, im being deadass. if u cant limit ur time on a game that according to urself gives u very little joy or value then the only way to play less and feel better is with outside help bro.


yea we heard you the first time. good for u bud


i know i'll get the hate from everybody feeling they need to justify doing him but honestly bro i'd say save ur fodder. he's decent but he's definitely not at the top of the power curve even right now so i highly doubt he'll be very usable in a month. at least not for anything more than just a fun card to throw on as a sub when ur up or somethig like that.


so i'm guessing 7 L's for yous?


93 alaba


W!!.. Got him, cantona, and rivaldo (meh) from the base icon packs then got thunderstruck campbell from 84x2. finally getting alittle luck from eaids. cheers fellas


been struggling to find my ST since preorder release and have tried soo fookin many (correa, kolo, nunez, danjuma evo...). was sleeping on benz bc i usually dont get along w/ him in other years. saw i could snag him w/ a hunter for 34k and i figured foook it. holy sh i t.. he is him fam. haven't been able to finish for sh it this year until this mfer. this young gentlemen cranks em in for fun and let me also say, brothers in christ, his pace ain't an issue. he's faster'n kdb's ex when courtier's over for the bbq. killin it for me w/ diaby and evo jota on the wings and IF neres CAM.. cheers


i have both. zico is cool but there's no one like cruyff. different gravy. i'd honestly take cruyff's base over zico centurions. especially if you're going to be using them at ST. zico is much more a CAM or att CM imo. obviously there will be ppl that use him as their main ST and he can put in a shift there but he's just not the quickest and his passing is kindof wasted at ST for me. cruyff all day tho bro.


tf u smokin bro


one thing has been true since my early yrs playing travel and rec football all the way up through playing for my highschool and college teams. no one who actually plays football ever tries to take away from a goal by calling it a tap in. those are differentiations for ppl that play fifa or watch football on the telly. bc ballers know a ball in the back of the net is a ball in the back of the net. scoreboard doesn't give a flyin' fu c k whether it was a pen or a flyer from the corner of the box. a goal is a goal


zambrotta clear. not by miles but clear


ek from the icon pick. he's an elite st for sure. just have to play a certain way with him. good luck man and hope you figure out how to have success w' him bc if not it's a tragedy of a waste of a pull. hope it helps dude


Respect. blud scored a goal from beyond half field last week. but that's not even the crazy part....

the part that makes it so crazy is that he did it in sketchers.


i hear u but it feels better to smack 'em and griddy. but i do hear u.


coman is class class class bro. and he's semi decent value


i mean i hear u but r u srsly tryna act like f**kin' GULLIT, Becks, and Cr7 aren't meta lol??


martinelli cooks for me man. i tried wrights loan and hes good but i felt like martinelli edged him a bit. i think it's the body type. wright has an average body type while martinelli has lean with technical plus... but thats just based on my experience and i only used wright for 5 games so..


what a classic and hilarious take. explain? how is this arguing? arguing is defined by debating the merits of 2 opposing ideas. i'm just giving my opinion on this cards quality to hopefully make the decision easier for others on who to use their evolution. only argument happening here is between u calling it an argument and me having to define the word argument for you to explain how it's not an argument. you follow?


ur mom owes me $40. she shot c um straight across the room last night and killed my siamese fighting fish. threw off the Ph in my aquariaum.




what r u on ab??


are you proposing this card has a mind of it's own and was f**king you sideways on his own beyond the control of it's user? i'm confused. bc what i heard u say was "i played a guy last night who was f**king me sideways with this card."

when someone gives you a good f**king, at least give them the credit for it. don't call them "sh*t at the game" and imply a card had a mind of it's own and that's why you got turned out. that's some little D enrgy. give the man his props for smoking you with mid ass Mcmanaman


just packed her untrade from 83x10 and was expecting her price to be close to if not a mil based on the stats and playstyles and likely upgrades. how is she this cheap???


if you can still do the 99 shooting evo then the birthday magic evo he is soo fun. 65 games 69 goals. don't know ab the higher divisions but for me in div 3 he's him. haven't been able to go back to werner, 93 zico, fb rooney, or 94 drogba since completing him. he's jammy and shoots from all angles and they just fly in. favorite striker right now.


i was planning to buy him but got lucky and got him from the totw pick yesterday. his gold has been my lb since the start of the game. i've played 10ish games w/ the totw so far and yes, he is definitely different gravy from his base. i would say definitely worth the coins for the upgrade.


i disagree man. but thats fine, everybodys gonna favor some players over others. to me jota feels much better on the ball bc of all of his dribbling playstyles vs ansu's (7 total to ansu's 4) and also w/ jotas unique body type animations plus having the power shot (which is def meta this year) and trivelas playstyles to **** trevelas only playstyle it puts thier finishing very close. ansu may be slightly better at finishing but jota does not struggle to finish by any means. and yea, 5* skills is def a massive plus for many ppl.


hes a monster in my defense.. bet hes insane w/ a shadow. i wont know sh it ab that until they come down from 5k tho


may be a skill issue but probably just a use issue. just slow down a bit w/ him. he's a clinical type. use skill moves for getting around players. he's not really a get in behind type striker. you can use him that way if you want but i found alot more success with him on stay central/target man or stay central/mixed attack. works really well in 2 st formation w/ a more speedy agile partner up top. or a get forward cam (basically 2nd st). i play him w/ a hawk. his base was great for me for a clip last year and this year as well from 2nd week of early release until i got his centurions last we


After inceptions video yesterday on these issues it finally made me say f u k this game and it’s terrible gameplay. My compromise was to install the old green version. Been playing this morning for a few hours and I’m enjoying it sooo much more. A lot less meta rats and I’ve been scoring real football goals. It’s been great.


well bro, 4-5 days ago i wouldve told you yes, he is. but literally the exact same thing that you're dealing with with neymar has started for me with my rashford. he suddenly is a straight up fraud in the box for me. i just benched him tonight and moved leao from LW to LS beside grizzy and put the new sbc mudryk at LW and my team is feeling wayyy better going forward. finding i'm liking leao as a st alot more than a winger (he jammy a fuq) and mudryk card is pretty ***kin saucy ngl. if you haven't tried leao at st maybe say fuq neyney and rashfraud both and give him a try... hope this helps


him and vvd. have all three. dessy far clear of the 91 version of vidic


Casillas is rediculous in this game. hes miles clear


so what r u saying? someone with a cr7 holding.... nothing... would? lol


see above comment for response. not wafflin. wafflin is going back and forth. im obviously making a argument for one side. that side being jota as the best relentless winger evo. the comment was LITERALLY to help ppl quit wafflin and just to do jota bc hes nasty af in game. just bc u think of a cute lil pun in ur head ab ihop and waffles doesnt make it a dub to say it when it does actually make any f u c kin sense in context. but hey, other low iq nps'c will laugh just bc "haha he made a funny"... for fu c ks sake man.


yes dum**ss... pls put her in an sbc like a f**kin ret**d. that's one less team i have to face with her buzzing around allover the midfield jackin' the ball off my players and then cranking in a cold ass dip shot from the edge of the box.


i got him last week from the 84x7 and was happy to actually pack something as my pack luck is usually s**t. and i've enjoyed using him too. he's a fun card and cooks in game. why am i a rat? if u pack him would u not use him? why? out of "principle" lol? come on bro...


i hear u dude, but i don't see that doin' too much just bc leao's gonna be unpackable. i could be totally wrong tho


coin transfer. some sad f**k is actually buying coins for this ea trash fire of a game lol... no matter how bad things may be for any of you rn, just think, it could be worse. that could be u.


best on the wing imo. i mean maybe as a get forward cam playing more as a st but i think he's underwhelming in a natural cam role where his obvious key stat (pace) is kindof wasted.


coin transfer. some sad f**k is actually buying coins for this ea trash fire of a game lol... no matter how bad things may be for any of you rn, just think, it could be worse. that could be u.


yea bro, get em. and when ur finished make sure to rinse with mouthwash... bc u have ea's d**k deep deep down ur throat.


same dude. got him from the 83+ during that week and i cant get him out. he's too good. ive got bacha, tried havertz, benched 88 cancelo to keep llorente in the team when i packed 93 modrich and i was just not willing to remove theo to keep cancelo in. i'm feeling like the only one to move his 86 from my lb spot is 87 or 88 theo


dont know ab ur LB. i use 86 theo. but for ur forwards, zico if CAM ginola if ST


next to 0 chance bro. last year i went stupid buying coins and never got banned, or even warned. as long as you wait 24 hours between purchases your good. one time last year i bought 1.2mil and then an hour later bought another mil and they still didn't do ****. i was using mmoxp tho.


honestly bro i thought my original comment was pretty sentient. only this community will cry and downvote others for just being helpful and giving opinions on cards. like wtf are the comments for??... o wait nvrmd. i forgot they were for whining and talkin s h it to eachother. disregard everything i just said smh


I would agree with jumice. I play him cam on 4231 stay forward (basically as 2nd st) with Benz and they rain finesses in from left and right for fun.


packed him untrade awhile back. why's he on front page rn?




eus ST morgs CAM


lol bro thinks he's on lukaku's thunderstruck card page


nah bro, its even worse. kids were all in school. it was all the bum ass unemployed ADULTS that got him.


congrats bro, ignore the dislikes. those r just addicts who hate to see someone else ditch the game bc they know they can't. enjoy ur newly found free time and lower stress level.


HO-LY! his prime was an early pull for me last year and carried me through the first half of the 23 cycle. today i got him, rivaldo (meh..) and Best from the base icon packs and then thunderstruck icon campbell from a random 84x2. luck has been soo bad in fc 24 until i quit playing for 2 weeks and then came back this weekend.


Ha same exact situation bro. I was like ofcourse I get an 84 rated rb and then checked his price and was like wtf???


every rat is wondering the same exact thing bro. not hatin' tho. i include myself in that lol


i have both. zico is cool but there's no one like cruyff. different gravy. i'd honestly take cruyff's base over zico centurions. especially if you're going to be using them at ST. zico is much more a CAM or att CM imo. obviously there will be ppl that use him as their main ST and he can put in a shift there but he's just not the quickest and his passing is kindof wasted at ST for me. cruyff all day tho bro.


82+ totw lets go!!!


just packed him and palmer in the same 84x7. pretty cool i guess. didn't squirt tho


ofcourse they are... but they paid ALOT of $$$ to get him on the front of the box so he gets the ea juice


i feel ur pain bro. finished him yesterday then he pops up in my 83x10 today....


Supply from advent and mixed campaigns


u have no cards that u only have bc of luck? how tf else do we get cards we cant otherwise afford in this game?

whats ur best pull all year that u were super psyched about getting bc they're unique and not seen in every other freaking team you play in WL. ok, now ea is making them a sbc tomorrow. ur not a teensy weensy bit bummed ab it? come on bro.. ur literally making an argument for communism on futbin breh. like "we should all get all the same best cards in the game". if everything's special then nothing is special.


it is for sure. i don't necessarily regret doing him bc for the first half of the match he's a f**kin' terror in midfield but you 100% will need to be subbing him off around 60min every match.


have both untradeable. valve's gold was in my team for awhile early game but his toty just wasn't as good for me with the wealth of other players in the game at this point. he is good but he didn't send my 93 modrich to the bench like i was expecting him to when i packed him. this kessler has.. shes similar to modrich but alittle more physical somehow and she's probably gonna upgrade (like almost guaranteed) which is gonna be nuts. not to mention valverde's price is only going one way from here (down) and kessler is likely at her cheapest rn as she will likely have several rises out of packs


Major squad updates and gameplay patch today. 20 minutes past Contant drop atm, where tf is my Campbell upgrade ea?!


For FOOKS sake stop spamming comments. Nobody’s joining ur discord fam. Kindly f**k off

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