fuck that shit aint nobody excited bout it
dumb question
he'll never drop under 86
Can't. EA is the worst company they won't do shit about it lol
26 games 30 goals 9 assists. Got him from the 15 token 87+ pp and he has been a huge improvement to my squad
my dad
ramos toty flashback or lucio
You just can't say this game isn't shit. Previous weekend, horrible gameplay, 7 wins. This WL playing at night with amazing gameplay: 18 wins. Fuck this shit game you can't play this trash at daytime lmfao
this guy is so annoying to play against dont complete him
4222 and 4321
get a fucking life rapist
alvarez al owairan and garrincha or sanchez totu
87+ pick blessed me. So much grind glad it paid off
i wouldn't if you cant fit him properly in your team but if you can get him 3 chem definitely complete him
ramos is clear imo
yeah you probs dont have any untradeable players and use shit players thinking you know how to build squads lmao
stats were amazing lmao
Impossible to link this mf without ruining my whole team
A bit short and slow but he is very solid otherwise
why the fuck have people disliked his comment
you have no clue
obviously? whats your point
just save your fodder
yeah cause he can play midfield too
TF? You fucking ungrateful lil whining bitch should go fuck yourself honestly, did you fucking expect centurions ibra?
I suggest you do 1 85x 10, 1 84x20, FS team 1 pack, and 81+ x11.
I think 2 or 3 but dont know
shadow ofc
nothing to do with being good at the game lmfao, pro players and literally every content creator has said this game is shit for years, so shut the fuck up retarded kid
I dont know what the fuck EA has done now but it was their last mistake. Won't play this fucking garbage anymore. For years I've spent money on fifa hoping they would fix their issues but no, they don't give a solid fuck about their customers, which we all know. Going to sell my coins and account because there just is no fun in this game anymore.
yeah you have got lucky, it doesnt fucking mean that no one else gets anything from the packs, it just means that new players have generally better luck and it is a fact. I started a new account a week ago and already have prime kaka, toty modric and 1 mil coins.
EA reduced the skill gap so that shit players can win games against much better players. I suggest selling your coins and deleting this worthless fucking shit game that does nothing good for your health.
+ the scripting and pack luck towards new players, players who haven't played fifa in a while and bad players just prove that they want the noobs keep playing this trash
No skill gap anymore in this fucking shit game. This gameplay and something they've just recently done have allowed totally shit new players to compete with much better players. EA gets more money from the div 10 players who keep playing this trash so they reduce the skill gap just like activision did in wz2. Fuck you money greed companies
For real I thought it was fucking hilarious how outrageous it was at first but I got FUCKING 8 WINS when I normally get around 14. The scripting is fucking ridiculous. Fuck this shit game it is so obvious that scripting exists idk what they have done now the game feels unplayable
I got 7 fucking wins when I normally get 14. Stfu
Max 200k lmao. Adama better
look at the links dumbass
you are fucking trash delete this game
naahh architect and he'll glide through the field
stfu you are a fucking rapist cunt for making jokes of it
Your team doesn't matter in this game if the gameplay is shit. Not even prime r9 can dribble or run in this muddy shit gameplay
bro executed him
obviously not lmao
he isn't lengthy with engine fucking idiot hahaha... and before you say lengthy meta is over, it still is superior acceleration type on defenders
dont fucking buy fifa points autist.
who tf even plays rivals? I only play fifa for fut champs. 30 games a week enough for me
Mid Carlos Alberto, Marchisio, WC Carvalho and yesterday prime Pele. These are my best pulls, but I've got mostly L's. Doing these sbc's is gambling so sometimes you hit the lottery, most times you won't
He just isnt good as a cb. Idk if its my delay but his jockeying is so bad compared to other cb's like van dijk and maldini. I got a shadow on him and he doesn't feel anywhere near 99 pace. Gets dusted against a fast attacker. His tackles seem to always get the ball back to the opponent and his positioning is awful sometimes. Sadly I got hakimi as rb so i gotta bench him for my van dijk
yeah he is pretty ass as a cb cause he feels like 50 pace against pacey attackers
called scripting mate
if you actually talking bout his baby then lewa is better
You don't have success with good team = your brain won't accept the fact it is scripting but instead blames your squad -> you go buy fifa points to make your team better and think you'll get any better rank you previously got.
gotta say you are fucking shit in this game
use your brain mate. if there was no tax, making coins would be so easy it would break the market. Cards prices fluctuate a lot through the day, especially on expensive cards. You could buy mbappe for 750k and sell for 760k and boom, 10k made in just a couple of minutes. Ea tax helps prevent that
i feel the same he is horrible for me but insane when opponents have him. just casual scripting