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IF Insigne

By IVIae
04-Feb-20 06:23


After being bombarded for the past few weeks with promos and poor TOTW options we are finally back and looking at potential options from TOTW 20.  It did not take long to decide on Lorenzo Insigne as this week’s focus, given he is one of the only useable options, and more importantly that I felt he would match my playstyle perfectly.  The speed, agility, and 4 STAR WEAK FOOT all suggested a fun review while looking outside of the EPL was also high on my list given recent reviews.  After the squad was firmly selected it was time to switch it up a bit this weekend, all I have been hearing is that the 4-4-2 is back and like a sheep, I was following the herds advice.  I decided that Insigne would be best suited in a ST roll and therefore added a DEADEYE chemistry style for the shooting boost, trying to make sure that chances ended up in the back of the net.  Insigne was the pocket rocket in the following squad:



Rating: 8.5/10
Pace Rating: 9/10
Dribbling Rating: 9/10
Shooting Rating: 8.5/10
Passing Rating: 9/10
Physical Rating: 4/10
Defending Rating: N/A

Once again the servers took a step back this weekend and we were left with a difficult gameplay experience.  Some players are able to wade through the murky waters of slower gameplay, while others are simply pulled under with the slow-moving current.  Insigne is more of an option number two player, and unfortunately, he really struggled to get anything going.  It is a sad state of affairs that this is part of a review on a FIFA card, but unfortunately, this is where we are.  One thing that was noticeable despite the sluggish moments was Insigne’s pace, 95 ACCELERATION and 85 SPRINT SPEED, did shine through the darkness during the weekend. You feel both … 95 ACCELERATION is quick and can create small space … while 85 SPRINT SPEED is just too slow to keep the gap you create.  Thankfully, the 95 AGILITY and 94 BALANCE are in full effect and allow you to turn away from would be tackles before you get destroyed.    


Linkability & Current Game Strength 

Linkability Rating: 4/5
Current Game Strength Rating: 3.5/5

Insigne is an easy link if you are willing to look to the Serie A for your answers.  The list of Napoli links is ever-growing, with RTTF Allan being a personal favorite from previous weekends.  The Italy links received a nice boost from the FFS promo with Tonali and Moise Kean, along with the Serie A in Dominguez.  Numerous options to fit Insigne in the squad.
Current game: as in the sluggish gameplay from this weekend puts Insigne at a 3/5… and “Strength” at a 2/5, as I have never experienced a card so weak on the ball, and even his 75 STAMINA was an issue, at striker!  However, there were moments throughout the weekend where I got a glimpse of what Insigne can offer in smoother conditions.  The 94 FINISHING was clinical on both feet, and 92 SHOT POWER mixed with 93 LONG SHOTS makes him a threat around the box as well.  The dribbling was obviously more effective and even 98 SHORT PASSING was accurate despite the newest patch.  He has 4/5 potential, but not consistently in the current gameplay.


Value/Coins & Good vs. Bad

Value/Coins Rating: 5/5
Good vs Bad Rating: 4/5

9 goals, 10 assists in 20 games … playing against some amazing squads … in sub-par gameplay … for only 140k?  In a weird way, despite some of my comments, this is one of the best value cards I have used.  If you are on a budget then I would seriously consider this card.  Especially when you consider that the majority of the concerns are more gameplay then card performance concerns. 

With the good vs bad rating, I have switched from a 3.5 to a 4 and back again 10 times already.  So like a good linesman I am giving the benefit of the doubt to the attacker in this case.  Insigne does have some excellent statistics and attributes to make your opponents pay the price with chances on goal.  While he will not be creating a ton of these chances on his own, the passing is a huge key of his game and he can bring your other players into the mix.    


Closing Words

With the Super Bowl now over it is nice to know I can still see some big hits by simply throwing Insigne at ST when VVD is my opponent.  He literally flies off of the ball with the slightest defensive aggression and was probably my biggest “if only he had…” discussion around Insigne.  I realize this review has been a bit bipolar in breaking down exactly what Insigne has to offer, but if anything I think it matches the nature of the card.  While Insigne can look promising and even incredible at times, the next second he can be just as agonizingly frustrating.  But I think that is what you have to expect from a 140k card, and the fact that he has these fantastic moments makes him a great low coins option.  One final note … the +21 physical boost to SCREAM Insigne will cost you an additional 600k, but it is worth every coin if you have them.  Cheers for reading.


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