A good and fun card, just not for the price

I packed Prime Pele out of the mid or prime SBC. So that automatically means I am a noob. Because only bad players pack cards like this.

I am a casual div 2 player and I always go 11/9 in WL without trying too hard. I also like to grind for objectives here and there. If you think that is not good enough of a player. I don't care, that is your problem.

To make a bit of clarity as for my attack. I play in 4222 with Gold Kante and TOTY Kevin controlling, Mid Diego and baby Garrincha as attacking mids and Mid Cruyff and this guy as a striker partnership. The squad linked is how I play ingame. I have Pele on 7 chem at LM in a 451. It is a pretty darn good lineup, but I am not the best at the game, so I don't really know how to use it properly in some situations. Maybe I have the wrong custom tactics or just see things too late. As stated before, I am just a casual div. 2 player.

Let's start with the positives. For a small guy, he has got some serious aerial prescence. That really surprised me. He is winning headers against tall defenders when you take corners, or swing in a cross. Of course this is not always, but much more often than I thought it would happen. I even had a case where he had a bicycle kick on goal out of a corner against some tall defenders. Of course the keeper easily saved it but hey, it did surprise me from a small guy to be active like that.

Another thing I like about him is that he comes in cluch in those moments. You are 2-0 down. Another player scores one goal for you closing the gap, and up steps Pele and he smashes two goals to make you go ahead. This has saved me a lot of times. Especially in WL.

He also can make great passes. Even though people say it is not important on a striker, I feel like it is pretty darn useful to have in your locker. Especially when you like to create chances by passing the ball around quickly. This is my main playing style since I started this year with a 41212(2) team and later changed it to 4222 because I wanted to fit in all the cool Icons I got. I am actually thinking about changing back though. I noticed that my results are getting worse over time. I think I got too used to one playing style.

The finesse shot trait is amazing. You know it by now. Get in a good position outside of the box, green time a finesse with a player with the trait and it is almost a guaranteed goal. Combine this with a player who has decent curve and shot power and there you go! Very satisfying.

Now it is time for some negatives. There really aren't any special ones. Except that he sometimes has very strange misses. When this happens, it is mostly in Squad Battles. An example: you are in the pen area and power up a shot with just a single quick tap, and it gets blasted over the crossbar? Now I don't think this is a problem with the player, but just the way Squad Battles is: scripted. We all know the feeling, you are casually grinding not really paying attention, and all of the sudden that random Argentinian silver player of the AI turns into prime Messi. I think the same applies to Pele sometimes in squad battles, but instead he turns into Chelsea Torres.

I think it is also pretty sad that he doesn't have the flair trait. It makes him miss a couple of cool skill moves. But since I have no skill at all, why do I even bother with this?

After 90 minutes, Pele needs CPR. This is just because I use my strikers very intensely and so does everyone else. So nothing special there. Just your regular stamina. When it tends to run too low I usually swap on FB Benzema. He also tends to get the job done very nicely

In short: Pele is a fun player. He is quick with the ball and has some good shots, dribbles, passes and is surprisingly good in aerial duals. But is he worth the big price? In my humble opinion: no. With so many coins you could also create a very fun team and get some great game changers for cheaper prices compared to him. Like WW Guendo, Signature Signing Ben Ratter or even the glitch Mbappe. If you have him untradeable, use him. Duh.

Steps up when you need him to

Surprising aerial prescence

Good passes

5 star skills

Shot power is insane

High/medium workrates

60 defending is pretty high for an attacker

Strange misses sometimes

No flair trait, if you are big on skilling (not me I am already happy when I score)

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (9/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (7/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Other Reviews
He is great.I didnt except him to be ThIs goodUsed him with Mbappe upfront, and this man is just brutal!Scored 111 goals in 73 Appearances. Faster than i thought. Better shot than i thought. Better Dribbling than i thought. He isn't the strongest, i got to admit that, but he cheats himself trough the defence somehow.He will get through strong Defenders 8 Times out of 10.