Messi El Mejor

I used Messi as a CAM in a 4-1-2-1-2 and man he was INSANE in 10 games he had 13 goals and 8 assists. But for some reason at times he was unresponsive which bothered me a bit but other than that his dribblingterrificazing. Being able to do 5-star skill with a player like Messi is a real treat, especially the ball roll scoops. His passing is out of this world he slots the forwards through so nicely in between the tiniest of spaces. His strength was sometimes a noticeable con with this card which is a downside but with a card like this, you should easily get by defends without them getting close to you. His defense wasnt a real issue because he obviously;y wasn't playing a defensive position. In all, I think this is the best card I've ever used.





  • Stength
  • Defense
Pace (5/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (5/10)
Other Reviews
Lionel Messi
After using Messi for 10 games i think i can make a good review from him. He is simply the best gold card i haved used, i have used CR7 and Messi. Based on the meta that is passing and dribble, Messi y simply best than CR7. His shooting is unbelievable, his passing is another class, his dribbling 100/10, sprint speed is ok/good, and his acceleration is another level. If you have the coins and the links buy him. AWESOME!!!
Lionel Messi
The Goat
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Lionel Messi
absolute perfect
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