Pelé the game changer!
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Pele is just what you can expect from the highest rated card in the game! He has got it ALL.

I play in div 3 and i usually get around 11-13 wins in Weekend league. I managed to scrape together the coins to buy a fresh Pele from the market before weekend league and let me tell you it was the best decision i have made. He is a complete game changer. There were times in the 80+ minute i needed a goal and pele would just score screamers without me having to time it, there were times where he would just get past defenders and get a 1v1 against the keeper. If i felt i needed more control in the midfield i changed Pele from a ST to a CAM and he controlled the midfield just getting assist after assist and i could sub in a fresh striker.

This weekend league with Pele i managed to go 15-5 with Pele scoring 37 goals and 14 assist in 20 matches, not to far from 3 points per game!. There is no doubt he is up there with R9, that there is a 5 million coin difference is a joke! Pele could easily go for 7-8 million coins. Sounds rich to say but 4.4 Million is a bargain.

If you can, buy him!

  • Shooting
  • Pace
  • Passing
  • Ability to play in the midfield
  • The biggest pro is his playstyle+ combined with his dribbling, its out of this world.

  • Strength, Sometimes he could lose a 1v1 due to strength but thats mostly a skill issue from me and not Pele
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (7/10)
Physicality (8/10)
Best player I've ever used in all of Fifa
1 user liked this review

As the title states, Pele is a literal cheat code to use. He's a game-changer and personally I think he's totally worth 3.5 million coins, he should honestly be worth way more. Initially I was using Thunderstruck Icon Henry next to Shevchenko which was working very well in division 5 (I'm not that good at all). I played an online FUT draft and was lucky enough to see Pele come out. Upon the first game using him, it was clear to me that I needed to sell Henry and get Pele. I play a 4-4-2 (included the link to my squad) and Henry was my "pacey" player to get behind defence and I used Shev as my clunky target man (switching between Shev and 93 IF Haaland). Henry was a fantastic card and I did not think he would be replaced, but Pele, aside from his height, triumphs Henry in every other stat.

Pele feels fast af in the game, like stupid fast. He doesn't need a Hunter card to get that 99 pace feeling. Engine or Hawk are definitely the chemistry styles to use, I felt Hunter was a waste because his pace is already so good. And pair that with his controlled dribble playstyle+ he basically sprints with the ball glued to his feet... I almost feel bad using him. You can drive the ball all the way from your half straight into the box no problem with Pele. His burst of sprint gets him open to make a run, and as soon as the defenders pop up just hold the right bumper and I was gliding around defenders, including a winter wildcard VVD that someone had on their team. I even circled back around to mess with the guy and was dribbling circles around his defenders. Cheat code player is all I have to say.

Now his shooting, it's just as good as his pace, he scores almost everything. And the ones he doesn't are still insane shots that the keeper has to pull some insane acrobatic jumps to reach the ball, which almost all the time results in a corner or a rebound goal. His finesse when you get him open in the box is sensational, his quick turn-around power shots are very good, I have nothing bad to say at all about his shooting. He has only missed 1 golden opportunity in the box in the 10-12 games I played with him by firing it right at the keeper, and then again that could have totally been an error on my end.

Dribbling the guy feels like the Don Corleone of Messi and Neymar.

To sum it up, if you have the coins, get this card. I bought him at 3.58 million and he's already dropped 100k and I could not care less. He's staying in my squad for the entirety of the game, the only 3 players that would replace him are TOTY mbappe, Ronaldo or Messi and I know I won't be packing those cards ever and am just grateful to use them in futdrafts.

  • Sensational shooting
  • Lightning fast pace
  • Messi-Like dribbling and agility
  • 5 star skills
  • Fantastic passing
  • Great work rates
  • Height and physical - put him next to someone tall and strong and this doesn't become a con anymore. Opposite style player created a really good balance in a 2 striker formation.
  • Stamina is good but not great, gets tired nearing the 90th minute and if you're in overtime will most likely need to sub him out
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (4/10)