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Name Robert Lewandowski
Club club FC Bayern
Nation nation Poland
League league Bundesliga
Skills 4
Weak Foot 4
Intl. Rep 5
Foot Right
Height 185cm | 6'1"
Weight 81
Revision TOTY
Att. WR High
Def. WR Med
Origin TOTY
B.Type Unique
Age 35 years old
ID 188545
Club ID 21
League ID 19
Switch view:
Stats First
Graph First
Sprint Speed
Shot Power
Long Shots
FK. Accuracy
Short Passing
Long Passing
Ball Control
Heading Accuracy
Def. Awareness
Standing Tackle
Sliding Tackle
Chem. Style
Base stats
In game stats
AcceleRATE & Chemistry
Top 3 community voted:
Engine: 76%
Artist: 12%
Basic: 4%

Robert Lewandowski's TOTY card is rated 98, he is 185cm | 6'1" tall, right-footed Poland striker (ST) that plays for FC Bayern in Bundesliga with High/Med work rates. His average user review rating is 4.1 out of 5 . He has 4-star weak foot and 4-star skill moves, He does not have a real face in-game. He has been used in 14,282,885 games with a GPG (goals per game) of 0.913. Robert Lewandowski has 6 special cards with ratings between 92 and 99. The best chemistry style for him is ENGINE. He was born on 21-08-1988 and he is now 35 years old.

His real-life stats are currently 19 goals and 7 assists in 35 matches in domestic competition. He also received 5 yellow cards and 0 red cards.

His current price on FUT is 190,000 on PlayStation, 210,000 on Xbox, and 0 on PC.

FUTBIN Player Review

TOTY Lewandowski Review

The TOTY votes are tallied, the debates are ongoing, the lack of Liverpool players depressing, and the gameplay is in the mud.  This extended Weekend League marks some of the slowest gameplay I have experienced in FUT as the latest patch certainly doesn’t benefit the brave.  While Mbappe and Messi were slightly out of reach, I was able to get my hands on the Polish Sniper to bolster the squad heading into yet another weekend grind.  My initial fear after a few early matches was that the gameplay would weigh heavily on a card like Lewandowski… and for the most part, I wasn’t wrong.   But as the weekend progressed and I became more familiar with the big man, different opportunities started to present themselves that are not there with other cards.  The ENGINE chemistry style was applied to try and help the Bayern man get around the pitch… while the striker position was a given in my 4-2-2-2 formation.  Lewandowski was the marksman all weekend long in the following squad:      

Starting Formation:

In-game Formation:



Rating: 9/10
Pace Rating: 9/10
Dribbling Rating: 8/10
Shooting Rating: 10/10
Passing Rating: 9/10
Physical Rating: 10/10
Defending Rating: N/A

It took “21 games” to finally get my 15 match review with Lewandowski this weekend… I don’t know if it was frustration with gameplay or just generally being toxic… but I had 3 opponents quit right before the match started without gifting wins… and an additional 3 quits within 15 - 20 minutes at 0-0.  Frustrating to say the least… but maybe even more frustrating was the 14 goals and 2 assists that Lewandowski managed once those games were played.  I expected more, I wanted more, but in general, the current version of the game just doesn’t suit this card much at all.  The saving grace came in the form of lethal finishing and physical dominance… but after 15 matches it was back to the likes of NumberUp Jota to finish off my final 5 matches. 

Main Statistic - Shooting

Shooting Rating: 10/10
Physical Rating: 10/10
Height: 185cm | 6’1
Weak Foot:

It feels like not giving this man a 5 STAR WEAK FOOT is a bit of a crime but it really didn’t much matter… in fact, it didn’t matter in the slightest.  As you can imagine this card is absolutely potent and the near perfect shooting statistics perform even better than advertised.  It didn’t matter the angle, the location or the keeper… the ball was finding the back of the net. Ultimately this is part of my frustration with this card, or maybe more so with the game, but it was near impossible to get shots away this weekend with Lewandowski.  The AI Patrol was out in full force blocking everything and tracking any turns that I attempted with the big man.  Near the end, I did start to whip in more and more crosses which actually proved vital in key matches, with Lewandowski rising like a magnificent salmon above the drop back depth of defenders and utilizing the 98 JUMPING & 99 HEADING ACCURACY beautifully.  Perhaps a move to more crosses would have added more to the goals tally this weekend… but paying 1.8 million for Andy Carroll seems ludicrous.  

Main Attribute - Traits

Passing Rating: 9/10
Traits: Outside Foot, Finesse Shot

I realize this overlaps the previous category, but it just felt like all of the different techniques, attributes and statistics at Lewandowski’s disposal when it comes to putting the ball in correct locations was the main factor in rating him highly at all. True, the 97 ACCELERATION & 99 SPRINT SPEED did feel shockingly fast when he got into open space… but those moments were few and far between.  For the most part, this review was an exercise in patience… passing (98 SHORT PASSING)... and taking chances when they came.  The variety of shot traits that Lewandowski possesses just helps the 99 FINISHING & 97 SHOT POWER to work their magic that little bit more.   

Value/Coins & Good vs. Bad

Value/Coins Rating: 3.5/5
Good vs Bad Rating: 4/5

For 1.8 million this card just isn’t it.  If we get another patch and move back to a long shot, first time finesse, heck even corner glitches… then yes this card is certainly worth the price.  But as long as Drop Back Danny is sitting with 15 men behind the ball it is going to be hard to get the most out of Lewandowski.  

With 90 AGILITY, 99 BALANCE, 98 BALL CONTROL & 99 DRIBBLING this card has every tool to work magic on the ball. The 4 STAR SKILLS are not too shabby either… but in the end, the body type and gameplay trumped those bright spots and left Lewandowski feeling sluggish when turning in traffic.  

Closing Words

There have been moments this year when I know this card would have been dominant to an extreme level.  You can see the positioning is there and the card is trying to find the right lanes… but they simply aren’t there at the moment.  I hope things change soon and I would certainly take Lewandowski out for another spin… but for now my suggestion would be to park the big man and look at more crafty cards.  While they won’t have the potency of Lewandowski, and really not many cards do, they will handle the congestion of the current gameplay and fashion more shots across 90 minutes.  Let me know how your TOTY luck has been in the comments… I just packed my first one!  The curse is lifted, the pack luck might just be back. Hoping you are well! Cheers for reading.

Game Stats:

Game Highlights:

by IVIae, 24-01-2022

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Top Reviews
TOTY Lewandowski Review
By grootfrat, 22-01-2022

Good ebening everyone, Imma do a quick 98 Lewandowski for you guys. So I packed this card out of one of those upgrade packs, my first TOTY card ever.

I use Lewandowski in a 4-3-3(2) with an Engine chemstyle and I have a possession based style of play so my review will be based on my experience in said chemstyle and playstyle/formation, take this into account. So far I've used him in 10 WL games and he has been spectacular. Secured me the win in games where I'd lose it normally.

Pace: Uncatchable. If you drop it behind the defense he's gone.

Shooting: Kinda speaks for itself really. With 98 shooting, what do you expect? Bangs them in from all angles, in the box, out of the box, left foot or right foot (feels like a 5*), you name it. For some reason his Positioning really stands out for me. Always makes the run at the perfect time, when you want to drop the ball over the defense (in the opponent's box it's even more noticeable) he holds his run and positions himself in a way where you get the best angle to take the shot and he like, doesn't get cought offside? He's been offside like 3 or 4 times MAX so far. Also, he takes the shot very fast, faster than most players I've used so far. When you press the shoot button it feels like the ball immediately leaves his foot, which gives the defender less time to block and keeper less time to adjust etc.

Passing: Also really surprised me. I like to play with a striker with (very) good passing, because I like to involve him in the build-up. This year I have used both Messi and 90 Eto'o in that role and honestly they were amazing but Lewa is just bonkers man. Can play it short to one of your mids, switch play to one of your wingers... What stands out for me is is his one touch passing. I've had multiple IG situations so far where he's holding off the defender, receives the ball and immediately gives a perfect through ball in the space behind the opponents defense to one of my midfielders/wingers, without them having to adjust their run.

Dribbling: Doesn't feel clunky at all, if anyone tells you different they're lying or their gameplay just sucks. Can dribble in and out of tight spaces and actually feels very smooth and responsive on the ball. He's no Messi but still.

Physicality: Lasts 120mins without any problems, very aggressive when trying to win the ball back and his areal presence is phenomenal. If you like to cross the ball into the box he's the guy you're looking for. Rarely lost a header against his direct opponent so far and heads it in the top corner with ease. Now, some of you may have read the comments and noticed how a lot of people have been saying that 99 Strength is fake. Kinda have to agree, doesn't feel like 99 strength, more like high 80's. Doesn't get bullied of the ball, just has these moments where you think "with 99 strength he shouldn't be losing the ball like that".

So to TL;DR: Insane at literally everything, plays like a nr. 10 in attack.

I think that's it really, hope it's useful for you guys.

Everything, but to point some of them out:

  • Positioning
  • Passing, both short and long
  • Reactions
  • Takes the shot extremely fast, ball immediately leaves his foot.
  • Feels like he has 5* WF
  • Smooth on the ball
  • Jumping and heading accuracy

  • No con really, but his Strength doesn't feel like 99, at least not for me
Formation: 433-2
Position: ST
Games: 10
GPG: 1.60
APG: 0.80
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (10/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (8/10)
By Batsinvic888, 23-01-2022

I have never used a better striker in any FIFA, ever. I have never had the luck or money to buy a TOTY or elite Icons/Legends, but I packed this guy, and wow. He is genuinely fast, not Mbappe fast, but like gold Messi with a hunter fast. For someone that is 6'1" that is a crazy amount of speed. He is incredibly hard to knock off the ball with his 99 strength. His dribbling feels amazing, kind of like a barely clunkier Neymar. What Lewa has that Neymar doesn't is the sticky feet, balls just seem to magnetize to his feet so even if the ball is slightly knocked off, it always comes right back. His passing is good, but that's not why you are using him. Finally, his shooting is god-tier, goals that never went in with FB Benzema, FB Icardi, gold Messi, and gold Neymar find the back of the net with Lewa.




-Magnetized feet


-Attacking positioning

-5* skills (if that matters to you)

Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 37
GPG: 1.38
APG: 0.24
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (3/10)
Physicality (10/10)
By Zj423, 22-01-2022

I was super fortunate to pack this card right as he came out and I managed to play almost 30+ matches with him. My initial thoughts on him were mixed, sometimes he played like the greatest player of all time, and other times he was just the most unresponsive card in the game (LewanDISNEY). This was probably due to the gameplay when the servers were so congested due to TOTY but in good and responsive gameplay he's an absolute joy to use. I've linked a Youtube video below showing some of the goals and chances I had with him.

His pace was unbelievable, he would simply blitz past players, and the second he was through the last man no one could catch up to him. His Shooting was unreal, I don't think I need to comment on it besides that it's basically a goal every time you shoot on target from the box. He can also hit some nasty longshots. The one thing that surprised me the most was his passing, he was simply incredible, he could hit 40-yard pings with pinpoint accuracy, and definitely was the trait that surprised me. His dribbling was super responsive when the gameplay was good but with the servers so busy a few times he felt clunky and missing from the entire game. Finally, his strength, I mean the man is literally a tank with a Formula 1 Engine.

  • Shooting
  • Passing
  • Pace
  • Strength
  • Unresponsive during bad gameplay (Heavy Server Load)

Formation: 41212-2
Position: ST
Games: 29
GPG: 1.28
APG: 0.41
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (7/10)
Physicality (9/10)
A honest review
By Now019, 29-01-2022

I saw a lot of people that said this Lewa card it's so good or it's so bad, i think Lewa it's a very balanced card in terms of what give you in game.

I play him with engine in a formation with 2 strikers 4-4-2 or 4-2-2-2.

He is a good striker, but he is not that fast and he doesnt have 90 agility even with engine.You should pair him with a very fast striker (for me i use Jesus Ice, and even Jesus it's below on pace than Lewa, he feel so much fast and the dribling it's better on Jesus)

Used him in 10 games to qualify for fut champ(9-1) and 17 games in fut champs(13-4) , in 27 games he assisted 7 times and scored 40 goals.

I bought him for 1.08KK, i think for what he offers in game, the price it's too good to not try him, i link him with Goretzka TOTY Nom and Puskas MID, i do not think he should be more than 1.5 or 1.6kk, there are more players that are better than Lewa in ST position(Messi, Ronaldo, Mbappe , all TOTY, Cruyf mid and prime, Eusebio, they are all better than Lewa, but they are not cheap), the one that come's too my mind now and are like near coins value him it's Eusebio MID(2 mil coins).

I do think the Shoting of Lewa it's on the second place on this game( behind Messi TOTY, used Messi too)

For me for 1KK, this is a game Changer ( swapped from Messi OTW, Benzema and others Icon Strikers Butra, Daglish prime to this TOTY Lewa)

-Shooting(power shot, finese shot)




-Jumping and Heading

-Pace for 6.0 ft player

Below i will put some cons, they are not really a cons, but it's not the stats that we will see on the card even if you use enginge

-Pace(not 99 speed and 97 acc- probably it;s like 90-92)

-Dribling-For sure he doesn;t have 90 agility,

The real cons for me are

-Chip Shot ( tried a lot of chip shot with him, just 1 get him into the net, instead Jesus Ice hit them like crazy and are more good with the chip shot than Lewa)

-Sometimes he is doing some really bad decision, when he should come short, he goes in behind, when he should get in behind , he comes short( he is on stay forward with balance and balance)

Formation: 442
Position: ST
Games: 27
GPG: 1.48
APG: 0.26
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (10/10)
By Kobethegoat824, 06-02-2022

I packed this guy in an 81+ Attackers 3 player pack. I was completely shocked and of course had to give him a go. Physically this guy is a beast! Holds onto everything and good in the air. If you know what you are doing in the final third Lewa's shot is almost automatic. His pace kind of lets him down sometimes but honestly its usable. Dribbling can be a little stiff sometimes but play him more as a target man and you'll be fine.

Shooting, physicality

Pace, mobility, stamina

Formation: 433-3
Position: ST
Games: 15
GPG: 1.67
APG: 0.40
Pace (8/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Mr Weeknd, simply GOAT of FIFA from 2013 exp
By Davedamo10, 29-01-2022

Simply the best! people are dissing this card, look at the stats, buy now!! People play one or two games like with Ginola or Zlatan and decide "he isn't meta like Mbappe!" So sad. Will be 4 mill very soon if people calm down and try him for and,extended period, check me! 14 Champs wins 39 goals, GOAT on ANY FIFA! Just buy before people clock on! Greatest player I've had since I started in 2013 IF YOU CANT USE THIS CARD RETIRE FROM FIFA! TAKES ABOUT 3 OR 4 GAMES TO GET USED TO HIS STYLE.

Plays like an even match of the Zlatan and Ginola but finishes 9 and a half times out of ten.

Reminds me of Legend George Weah if you took him like out of FIFA 14 and placed him in FIFA 22 to defy the newer game mechanics, try a few crosses cos he will get his nut on them way better than CR7 start of year!

Shooting, Heading, turning a man, positioning, strength! he has it all! Finishing inside and outside of the box, makes highlight reels for fun!

A little stiff on Weekend for some reason, compared to rivals, only 80% as many goals weekend(still insane!) but 3-4 on rivals GUARANTEED! PER GAME, DIV 1!! GOAT!!!

Formation: 4312
Position: ST
Games: 39
GPG: 2.26
APG: 1.31
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Value for Money the Best!
By st4nger, 01-02-2022

He is a beast! For <1mio Coins you have to get him.

I played him as a targetman next to Icardi in a 4-4-2 with chem-style engine and he just performed insane. Even though he didn´t score as much goals as you would expect him to - he is still envolved in kind of every goal you score. Because besides his shots (which if you are in position are 95% in) he is also insane with assisting AND "assisting" in terms of creating a lot of space for his mates to cut towards the goal. Because of his positioning he is allways where you want him to be to either score or creating space for an other player!

On his rawr scoring abilities he is untochable - headers, shots, volleys - he can do it all.

His insane Pace and dribbling upgrade makes it even harder to actually defend him!

For sure you can get TOTY Ronaldo or Mbappe to have a slightly different option, but i would rather get TOTY Lewandowski and maybe a Cancelo, Diaz, Marquinhos & Hakimi + some other cards at once for the same value!

I also tried him as a 10, attacking from the second row and well... he is just doing it insane as well! His passing is just right for that position and the 95 longshot + 96 curve (if you use engine) seems to be made for that. His dribling is good, but with engine it just gets awesome because of the extra agility boost up to 90, which doesnt give you the feeling that he is that bulky.

Speaking of bulk - his phisicality is perfekt. 88 stamina is more than enough for a ST, with his 99 jumping he´s jumping higher than all the defenders (what makes crosses pretty effective), his strenght lets him cover the ball so well that it seems to be untouchable and his 94 aggression makes him a great "defender" if you press the opponent.

Summary: Just get him if you can!


Shooting (inside & outside the box)




I don´t know why EA doesn´t give him the 5 star weak foot??? like...why???

(you could argue that he is slower than Mbappe, but with engine he has also 97/99, so...)

Formation: 442
Position: ST
Games: 30
GPG: 0.47
APG: 0.90
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (4/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Oh my word
By joelbasaurr, 22-01-2022

Packed him from my 85x3 attackers, and this guy is crazy. The pace, dribbling, shooting and physical are out of this world. He basically scores everything and rarely feels clunky. Weak foot is solid and headers are amazing. This card is honestly amazing if you have the coins and want to try out some of the toty for the price he is this is your guy

  • 97 shooting
  • high/med
  • 99 reactions
  • 97 composure
  • 99 strength
  • 98 jumping
  • 93 pace
  • 93 short passing
  • 97 shot power

  • 85 agility (feels fine in game)
  • 4 star 4 star ( it's amazing but 5 star would make this card next level )

Formation: 4231
Position: ST
Games: 24
GPG: 1.46
APG: 0.21
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (9/10)
Defending (6/10)
Physicality (10/10)
Lewandowski the King
By k0rdian, 26-01-2022

By virtue of being Polish, I feel obligated to own a Robert Lewandowski card and do a review on him.

I personally play in the elite division and with Robert Lewandowski (with the Engine card) I have played 100 games in which he scored 130 goals. I play him in a narrow 4-1-2-1-2 formation with David Ginola in the ST position and George Best on CAM.

I will describe each of the stats on the card and how they relate to the feel of the game.

Pace: This is one of the most anticipated changes from the "normal" Robert Lewandowski card. In the TOTY card, his pace is incredible. He can run away from defenders, but considering how many defenders have high pace nowadays, it happens that someone fast will catch up with him when they're running head to head, whereas if Robert is at least half a meter away from the defender - it's over, no one will catch up with him, at least it hasn't happened to me.

Shooting: It's hard to write anything, except that you can afford to shoot him from any position. Finesse shots, power shots, whatever you want. I do not remember a match in which Robert would not score at least one goal. Very often when the goalkeeper defends his shot, it is so strong that he is not able to catch it, which often "spits" the ball out in front of him provoking an extra time ending in a goal.

Passes: I rarely use them due to the fact that it is to Robert that I pass the ball, but when it does happen, I play perpendicular balls, which for me are at a very high level. I don't get passes that go somewhere far away or somewhere I didn't plan to go.

Dribbling: I have played many cards so far with highly rated dribbling. Certainly his dribbling is not like Messi's or Vinicius', but a simple rabona with good timing is enough to leave defenders behind. Robert's tricks are very fluid and his movements make it difficult for defenders.

Defense: His role is not to defend, but to shoot, so I'll skip this issue and just say that he can often pick up the ball when he loses it

Physicality: This is my biggest disappointment. From a card rated this way, I would expect a bit more. He is sometimes knocked over by Kimpembe in situations where I wouldn't expect such behavior. I have the impression that Mbappe is more stable on his feet than him. It is not a problem, because when he runs with a defender on his back, he is unstoppable, but sometimes an attempt to simply receive the ball by a defender knocks him off balance. It's not bad in this regard, but it could just be better.

Overall Rating: I rate the utility of the card very well, as he is a player who has a goal ratio higher than any other card at my club, which speaks for itself. I bought him for 1.8 million coins and I think he is worth the price at the moment. He is great at setting up passes, although there are times when, despite playing in the same position as Ginola in my squad, Robert is sometimes more at the back, which still doesn't stop him from scoring more goals than David.

His positioning, pace and shooting skills are at such a high level that any physical shortcomings are not a problem for me and Robert Lewandowski will definitely be in my lineup until the last day of playing FIFA 22.

Pace, Shooting, Jjumping, Heading

Phisicality - could be better, but it's not bad

Formation: 41212-2
Position: ST
Games: 100
GPG: 1.30
APG: 0.16
Pace (9/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (3/10)
Physicality (7/10)
This is it!
By Pimskievs, 22-02-2022

My team which is/was pretty League 1 based. For that reason this card didn't fit in. But when playing Rivals or WL, I've always got into a defensive struggle when going against this 98 Lewandowski. So a few days ago I decided to change some things. I got wrid of Messi on the RM, put Sane in and link Lewa next against met 89 Eusebio.

This combo is MAGIC in a 4-4-2 formation! Lewa: He is fast, he can dribble (yes, this one can dribble) but the finishing is the absolute perfection. He nails every goal. and with the strength he has, a defender has to be a big guy to push him off.

Are there cons: I've played 10 games with him so far and scores 28 goals (all in Rivals div.1). I thought he'd be a little clunky because he's a pretty big guy, but with a engine-cam he feels pretty agile. The only thing he doesn't have is a 5-star skillmove and he doesn't link easy when you arn't Bundesliga-minded. But with some icons you can make a nice combo.

Despite that, this is one of the best strikers I've tried. GOAT GOAT GOAT.





5-star skillmoves

linking in a squad.

Formation: 442
Position: ST
Games: 10
GPG: 2.80
APG: 1.10
Pace (10/10)
Shooting (10/10)
Passing (9/10)
Dribbling (10/10)
Defending (7/10)
Physicality (10/10)
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