

Manchester United should sign this guy. He was good last season and he has been bossing it this season with Monaco and the France National Team

I have been following this guy now for 2 seasons and he is always getting better and better I really want him to come to Man United.

What can he do?

He is Mr. Underrated his stats are crazy, there are only 5 stats where he has less than 73. He is very complete. But what can he do? Or what is he best at? He really can do almost everything, he is 6´2 strong decently paced CDM who can deliver quality passes is solid on the ball and rock in the defence.


I tried him out in 3 different formations because I am running 4 different types of formation in-game.

  1. Lone CDM in a 41212(2 ) - I think is his best position. He is the boss in that position. There he moves like Patrick Vieira just have him on Stay Back and Cut Passing Lanes you got yourself a cheap Patrick Vieira. I played him there with KDB and Verratti and let me tell you that midfield just ticks! I had IF Kimmich and Goretzka before him and Verratti and I think you know which I prefer more. (Kimmich and Goretzka are really good tho)
  2. Double pivot in 4231 - There I played him with Renato Sanches who came off the bench a couple of times cuz I don´t like having Verratti in that position. He played really good as the more defensive one. Had him there on Stay Back to control the tempo and be the Anchor of my midfield.
  3. CB in 532 - This is my All Out Attack formation and he plays really really good as a CB in this formation which does really not surprise me that much but he´s class there as a RCB with Van Dijk and Kimpembe


Very affordable, will probably go for 11k this weekend so yeah he is deffinetly worth the coins

Similar Players

Very very similar to Patrick Vieira

Casemiro is bit like him in the defence but Tchouaméni is alot better on ball player

Allan is kinda similar but Tchouaméni is more of a Beast and has more presence

I feel like Petit is similar

Chemistry Style

Definetly Shadow for DEF and PACE upgrade

That´s it for the review if you liked it put a like on it for me and try IF Tchouaméni out if you can link him in your team

Thanks for reading.

  • His Passing is top notch, he has 82+ in everything that matters for a good passer in the CDM role and the Long Pass Trait.
  • Defending is where he turns into a beast, he is 6´2 with 85 strength, 81 aggression 82 S/T and 81 Interceptions and believe me his stats are like Base Icon Blanc they are better than they seem.
  • Dribbling is good - 79 Agility and 73 Balance is his "worst" stats in the dribbling category and thats pretty good for a 6´2 CDM, the rest is between 81-83
  • Very solid Pace. Deffinetly not slow.

  • High attacking work rate makes him to high up the pitch sometimes when he is in a double pivot midfield role (never when he is in a Lone CDM position)
  • He´s not bad at anything specific I mean take a look at the card he has literally no weaknesses
  • Links - yeah he´s French but it´s hard to Green Link him cuz he Mbappe is a billion coins and Kimpembe or Yedder are the only options for green link
Pace (7/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (8/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Cheap Vieira
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=3983318), [email protected], username=EdBennett, favoritePlayer=null, favoriteClub=null, favoriteNation=null, passwordHash=$2y$10$IyHohRyLXpr7dtY89mQNO.2yu70iQ8yii1gdkj05nBNCdsrL69PpS, lastAccessed=2024-04-28T11:59:20Z, rememberMeToken=b6b61c820bbd51d6c636be63bbfbb5107003b18f3dcb4b2f3204d57a517b42cf68ef5943521ea17cdbd1c618365aaae37fc03519140983587932ba66b69d8506, rememberMeExpiry=2024-05-01T21:49:29Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=2022-06-13T14:30:50Z, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTY1NTEzMDc3NSwibmJmIjoxNjU1MTMwNzc1LCJleHAiOjE2NjA0MDExNzUsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjozOTgzMzE4LCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6IkVkQmVubmV0dCJ9fQ.7mWb-SZcmph1B8Zwad5Db0wa6qV_o-IUh9HV9TZ552Q, mobileLastAccessed=2022-06-13T14:32:54Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=true, joinDate=2021-03-03, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=6, dateOfBirthYear=2001, marketing=false, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=true, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=null, twitterUsername=null, facebookUsername=null, twitchUsername=null, youtubeUsername=null, playstationUsername=null, showPlaystationUsername=false, xboxUsername=null, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=null, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=null)08-10-2021
21 users liked this review

Used on shadow in CM (Functioning as a CDM), and absolute beast- a cheap Vieira.

Fast and physical as hell with top notch tackling, he dominates the deeper area of midfield; is always in the right position, punching in powerful tackles, and wins the ball back off of much higher rated players with ease.

Top-Notch tackles

Very Physical


Fast (On Shadow)

Decent Passing

Solid Dribbling

3* WF

Pace (9/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (10/10)
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=2022534), [email protected], username=Dxmingo, favoritePlayer=IdAtYear(id=PlayerCardId(id=48252), year=FutYear(year=20)), favoriteClub=IdAtYear(id=ClubId(id=11), year=FutYear(year=20)), favoriteNation=IdAtYear(id=NationId(id=133), year=FutYear(year=20)), passwordHash=$2y$10$44x61.NKGpa1V83yuEjtmeIkZP.Fh23ruvRXVcRPndmiK08T2TbEC, lastAccessed=2022-02-13T08:37:28Z, rememberMeToken=7a6c2fa4ddf60d1418b4c31a773bdfbae33f437094655579107a71f365e54aa1075be8c7bafe45f42f9b7f8b15a4378f2a550e4d32cdabb876b4bb10cc4c2ff8, rememberMeExpiry=2022-02-22T13:36:21Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=null, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTY1OTExNjQ4MywibmJmIjoxNjU5MTE2NDgzLCJleHAiOjE2NjQ0NzMyODMsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjoyMDIyNTM0LCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6IkR4bWluZ28ifX0.AKB_QnLiZhKhdYSK2F5_7d1hMeYrzwIKXU3q6DDewrg, mobileLastAccessed=2022-07-29T17:41:23Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=true, joinDate=2019-03-13, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=null, dateOfBirthYear=null, marketing=false, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=false, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=null, twitterUsername=, facebookUsername=, twitchUsername=, youtubeUsername=, playstationUsername=Damz_88, showPlaystationUsername=false, xboxUsername=, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=true)13-10-2021
8 users liked this review

I was looking for a card to replace Fred in my team and had my eye on his IF since he dropped. I decided to buy him and after 30 games I'm impressed with how good he is for the price. (Bought at 12.5K). He's paired with Kante (who I packed) in the midfield and they both scoop up so many interceptions and he bullies my opponents.

After the number of games I've played across Rivals (Div 3 - was div 5 when I bought him), i can understand why he's the cheap Vieira

  • Passing - his passing is quite good, especially his long passes.
  • Tackling & Interceptions - both really solid and help you recover the ball really well.
  • Strength - With his build/height and stats he has more than enough to fight for the ball.
  • Height

  • 3*3*
  • Can feel clunky in bad gameplay at times

Pace (7/10)
Shooting (7/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (7/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (9/10)
Cheap beast CDM
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=2143651), [email protected], username=L0pu, favoritePlayer=null, favoriteClub=null, favoriteNation=null, passwordHash=$2y$10$dY.MB.wTIyHOC/Gb5NVYB.6cR6gAV981Z9Hnd7uCxgVbgBw49ZVk., lastAccessed=2024-06-10T14:30:26Z, rememberMeToken=5839f20398cca0a257e1a545596ebf3bfdc281c4c490e56c3189603c0e08d79fce24799aacb0299bc271d9a4fbe64a8d6153f9afa0bf4cd1ee4e0b1c75c9109c, rememberMeExpiry=2024-06-20T19:29:07Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=2019-06-09T20:46:31Z, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTY3MzI4MDkwOSwibmJmIjoxNjczMjgwOTA5LCJleHAiOjE2NzgzNzg1MDksImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjoyMTQzNjUxLCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6IkwwcHUifX0.s-WgEqoZw0xbozzPYUKeLiEPgWN8LUvwcXBiqqX_Z9w, mobileLastAccessed=2023-01-09T16:15:09Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=true, joinDate=2019-05-08, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=6, dateOfBirthYear=2000, marketing=true, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=true, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=null, twitterUsername=null, facebookUsername=null, twitchUsername=null, youtubeUsername=null, playstationUsername=null, showPlaystationUsername=false, xboxUsername=null, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=null, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=null)11-10-2021
5 users liked this review

I recently decided to give Mbappe a try. I was using Messi (he's insanely good) but I really wanted to get Mbappe. I had to do a little downgrade on my fullbacks in order to get him. On the midfield I was already using Wijnaldum and I needed a CDM to play alongside with him on a 442. I needed a midfielder from Ligue 1 and french, in order to get the full chemistry and I found this cheap beast: Tchouaméni

I've been running mainly two different formations in-game, the 442 and 4231.

For me, either in the 442 or 4231, Tchouaméni plays the same role on both formations. I always like to play with two midfielders, one of them being more a box-to-box type and the other a more defensive player. Tchouaméni playing alongside with Wijnaldum, is simply a beast. On both formations, I used this guy on Stay Back and Cover Center and he does his job.

Tchouaméni is a beast in terms of defending, intercepts pretty much every ball and wins most of the physical battles, with 85 strength, 81 aggression and 81 interceptions. These are his key stats.

His passing is very good for 79 total, but he has 84 short passing and 83 long passing and he truly doesn't miss much. I personally love his long passing (he has the long passer trait).

11K for this beast is too cheap.

His dribbling is not bad, but with 79 agility sometimes he can feel a little heavy.

On a CDM, I don't really care about shooting, I just want the shooting not to be terrible and this guy has a pretty decent shooting for a CDM but of course not the best.

He's not the fastest player, with only 73 acceleration and 76 sprint speed, but in this game pace is not as important as in previous years.

Pace (7/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (8/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (9/10)

Saw this guy in the TOTW and saw that he fit right in my team, and made sure i had a proper CDM. I played him in a CDM in the 41212 narrow, with cuttin passing lanes, stay back and cover senter. This guy is so strong, and always in the way for the oppositions attack. He stays balanced between the two CMs, who in my team were Goretzka and Bruno Fernandes. he cuts the passes from the midfield to the attack so well, and marks the middle striker og CAM perfectly. with a shadow he was pretty fast too, and caught up to counters well. for under 20k this card is perfect for budget teams, and or more expensive teams, as he is one of the best CDMs i have played with yet, only behind Kante and Llorente. He has pretty decent passing too, but dont use him to break lines, you want him to stay behind and help you in defence, as the game is long shot galore. he is also really big so he block the long shots easier than other players.



Pace(with shadow)


Walking with the ball


Pace (8/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (9/10)
Physicality (10/10)