This man left me without words, he is simply unbelievable. Personally, I don't know why the bad reviews from others when he has been a savior to me. I bought him after a match I had against him in which he made 13 saves. He have became the best decision I could ever made. The amount of saves he make per match is just amazing. Most matches that I either loose or struggle to win this guy ends with 10+ saves. Not gonna lie, many people who played better than me must be tilted when they loose just because this demigod is in my net. Today he made a consecutive triple save to Mbappé, Neymar and flashback Benzema, I could not believe it and surely my opponent neither(Lloris ended this match with a 9.8 rating and 16 saves out of 19 shots). If you struggle with defending or with your goalkeeper, Lloris will compensate your lack of hands when defending or your lack of luck in goalkeepers. He will became your MVP.

-He would stop a gunshot

-Sincerely, I don't know if he is glitched but he saves some shots that are 100% impossible to save. I mean it makes no sense that someone is capable of saving them, but he somehow saves them.

-Maybe kicking

Pace (5/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (10/10)
Physicality (5/10)
Best Keeper in Fifa 22 IMO
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=5044340), [email protected], username=ProtectApes, favoritePlayer=null, favoriteClub=null, favoriteNation=null, passwordHash=$2y$10$p2K7nmHg3GIBwiI7VYsXCOdUfRIZ3NhJgLQARbV4LJYjAS6YFMsBe, lastAccessed=2024-02-05T21:21:52Z, rememberMeToken=5b403038534658b0a861fb17307d5b4e6d338b1e33dbae54b86a62dd45481260bd2dd3ee593a10139f5fc7704e2692ab823ab1f97e7ce9581d5958d87dfc1cd3, rememberMeExpiry=2024-02-06T03:41:10Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=null, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTY4NzczODQwMiwibmJmIjoxNjg3NzM4NDAyLCJleHAiOjE2OTMwMDg4MDIsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjo1MDQ0MzQwLCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6IlByb3RlY3RBcGVzIn19.Ht1H0nXSNuUgyAzDZE6UezxQ6iEvppsb479rnYqy_rI, mobileLastAccessed=2023-06-26T00:13:22Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=false, joinDate=2022-02-12, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=2, dateOfBirthYear=2003, marketing=false, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=true, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=null, twitterUsername=null, facebookUsername=null, twitchUsername=null, youtubeUsername=null, playstationUsername=null, showPlaystationUsername=false, xboxUsername=null, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=null, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=null)12-02-2022
1 user liked this review

Honestly you don't need to spend so many coins on Donnarumma or Ter Stegan or anyone... Lloris is the OG and has stuck in my team from early Fifa 22. His reactions are amazing, he makes saves that I have had Donnarumma, Ter Stegan, and Keylor Navas miss and let in. He does fumble one or two shots every now and again but he seems to be able to react in enough time to get back and make a good save from a rebound. Don't get me wrong, in the previous Keeper nerf a few patches ago I verbally abused him to the stars and beyond, but that's when I tried other keepers and they were awful. After a few patches when keepers got better, I still hated using the ones I had, so I went back to Lloris and he just made me want to be French, and believe me, nothing can do that. I've used him in Elite and he competes very well

  • Amazing Saves
  • Immense Speed on rebounds
  • Incredibly cheap for what he gives you
  • Amazing links to Premier League players
  • Links to Kimpembe and Kounde... What more would a sewer dweller want?
  • Very rarely makes a bad mistake against the top 1% of Strikers and those with INCREDIBLE finesse shots and shots that are WAAAYYYY too close
  • Drops your squad rating because he's an 87, but if you care about that then you can use any keeper because you're Div 10
Pace (7/10)
Shooting (2/10)
Passing (7/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (8/10)
Physicality (1/10)
Solid Keeper
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=4099145), [email protected], username=DjCrxft, favoritePlayer=IdAtYear(id=PlayerCardId(id=23527), year=FutYear(year=22)), favoriteClub=IdAtYear(id=ClubId(id=10), year=FutYear(year=22)), favoriteNation=IdAtYear(id=NationId(id=18), year=FutYear(year=22)), passwordHash=$2y$10$4mBnVI.i/YyUgJZmq3PaX.HPi6f77dVNiqCRrx129Yq2tFGi8zS9y, lastAccessed=2022-09-29T11:58:30Z, rememberMeToken=cc8694b86730b5034b5938fa122a47dc7a82fe6cb006148b66d2d256653e3c270725015e20aa9262320f6c2979dd684d77b958923d916a745a62544f8758044c, rememberMeExpiry=2022-10-21T19:08:49Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=null, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTY2MDUxOTU2NiwibmJmIjoxNjYwNTE5NTY2LCJleHAiOjE2NjU3ODk5NjYsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjo0MDk5MTQ1LCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6IkRqQ3J4ZnQifX0.2VHVzNNGKdn_znrSJbiLw2OvmyUPEIXAQBFcWidKnYM, mobileLastAccessed=2022-08-14T23:26:06Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=true, joinDate=2021-04-21, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=null, dateOfBirthYear=null, marketing=false, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=false, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=null, twitterUsername=, facebookUsername=, twitchUsername=, youtubeUsername=, playstationUsername=DjCrxft, showPlaystationUsername=true, xboxUsername=, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=false)03-11-2021
7 users liked this review

He is a great keeper, especially as he links with Prem and French CB. I put a glove on him, so his diving is almost perfect and he makes up for being 6'1, but his handling is almost horrible. With a glove, he is meant to have 98 Handling, but he acts like 60 in-game. His kicking is also horrible, as it hardly goes far at all and just loops into the air making it easy to head away. In FUT Champs games he struggles to save anything because he drops easy catches right to the other team, and his kicks can't be used for a counter-attack. The only reason I am currently still using him is because he makes the occasional wonder save and he links perfectly with the rest of my team.







Pace (5/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (5/10)
The Worst Keeper I have ever used.
ByUser(userId=UserId(userId=4300265), [email protected], username=Adwiser, favoritePlayer=IdAtYear(id=PlayerCardId(id=30317), year=FutYear(year=21)), favoriteClub=IdAtYear(id=ClubId(id=11), year=FutYear(year=22)), favoriteNation=IdAtYear(id=NationId(id=14), year=FutYear(year=15)), passwordHash=$2y$10$MgF4AQVCBnKvvA17mb0cDOixs7R9aI1ukLk4SOfrAS2pSF6Qa71Ea, lastAccessed=2023-11-12T11:58:05Z, rememberMeToken=f30007d79982cc32f222fe666688a275edc63e7ac61ce66c59ca6a05beebf8341b721d38bd814c8f90ea1f755f8f7c778ccf9b543fb33ff6e8256d7d8c47e293, rememberMeExpiry=2023-11-19T21:20:11Z, forgotPasswordToken=null, forgotPasswordRequestTime=2022-10-01T14:44:42Z, forgotPasswordExpiryTime=null, mobileToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOlwvXC9mdXRiaW4ub3JnIiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvZnV0YmluLm9yZyIsImlhdCI6MTcwMTAxNzc2NiwibmJmIjoxNzAxMDE3NzY2LCJleHAiOjE3MDYyODgxNjYsImRhdGEiOnsidXNlcklkIjo0MzAwMjY1LCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6IkFkd2lzZXIifX0.AZWf5YRMwxyOVEIvlTVT9j2CbofVLA2-J60awcbD2OY, mobileLastAccessed=2023-11-26T16:56:06Z, pendingChangeEmail=null, changeEmailToken=null, changeEmailRequestTime=null, changeEmailExpiryTime=null, verified=true, verifyToken=null, verifyRequestTime=null, verifyExpiryTime=null, commentsApproved=true, joinDate=2021-09-21, dateOfBirthDay=null, dateOfBirthMonth=7, dateOfBirthYear=1999, marketing=true, termsOfServiceAndPrivacyConsent=true, accessLevel=null, apiUserPhoneId=4545, twitterUsername=, facebookUsername=, twitchUsername=Adwiser, youtubeUsername=, playstationUsername=, showPlaystationUsername=false, xboxUsername=, showXboxUsername=false, pcUsername=, showPcUsername=false, hideProfile=false)26-10-2021
28 users liked this review

Here we go. This is my first ever review on FUTBIN, but it honestly had to be done because he is just so bad this year.

My Lloris has played about 18 games at this point, and after giving him too many chances, he is now being sold to make way for someone new

He has poor judgement, seems extremely slow to move in-game, does not like to catch the ball and always parries it out, which often causes rebounds. Constantly off his line, and he is a mess from crosses. Honestly, avoid him at ALL costs. Use anyone else but him.

There is literally none. He's cost me at least 10 games because of how poor he is.

- Slow off his line

- Parries the ball too much

- Very bad positioning

- Slow reaction times

- Diving is poor.

Pace (5/10)
Shooting (5/10)
Passing (5/10)
Dribbling (5/10)
Defending (5/10)
Physicality (5/10)