I played with his baby version and it was horrible, but i saw this prime version and it was a lot of more usable, his 80 pace make more usable and good, for 200k its a beast from the midfile
Very good finishing,nice long shot and shot power (94 and 92)
That 80 pace make more funny the game but a little fake
Nice vision, short and long passing
FK Acc with powerfull free kick trait
-4 star skills & 4 star weak foot
Nice for a midfiler, a W
That animations and aggresion make a strong player and thats a plus for defending
Very good defensive animations
Very complete player with nice stats in a lot of aspects
-Gullit Gang my boys
This is a personal opinion but is so beautiful seeing and 80+ in all stats
-Curve (69)
This year its very usefull longshot on the corner ot the area and if its doesnt have a lot of curve its a big problem
-Agility and balance (68 and 70)
Thats the big problem on this card, 68 agility and 70 of balance make slower and chunkier the player, with an engine you can use it but you have to know have to use chunky player, it doesnt really matter buecause its a midfiler but its make the gameplay horrible
-A little bit slower than 81 of pace
If you dont put on it an enginge o a shadow it will be very difficult to defend in a lot of situations