AverageDiv5PlayerJan 30 8:06 AM
Him or ice gavi?
DangreousJan 30 10:18 AM
Gavi: + dribbling + weak foot (good for shooting and passing) + good if you want to spend fodder. TAA: + defending + good if you want to use coins rather than fodder. Both are amazing passers but awful at shooting. I prefer Gavi because of his nice dribbling but if defense is more important to you, you might like TAA more. Maybe just try TAA first because you can't try Gabi. TAA is not that expensive and maybe his price will rice after TOTY (no idea though)
AverageDiv5PlayerJan 30 3:28 PM
Cheers pal. I have taa untradeable so will probs just stick with him rather than put fodder into gavi and work towards cafu instead.