Gooner30Feb 29 9:28 PM
I have a lot of fodder saved up for a big Icon SBC, I'm waiting for a striker, and I'm really hoping the next one isn't Cruyff to be honest I really don't get the hype around this card. I mean he's good don't get me wrong but I expected better, have used him probably around 10 times in drafts, I expected better, he's feels a tad clunky and not overly pacey.
HurryupHarryFeb 29 9:36 PM
I have his TS and he is the best striker i have ever used I mean this one cant be far behind
melsharawy07Feb 29 9:39 PM
it is with 84 shot power
HurryupHarryFeb 29 9:46 PM
Ye i could not care less about shot power